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Joined: Nov 21, 2019

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Another disappointing endeavor and the weakest so far.

One recurring weakness is its “monster-of-the-week” structure, which proves to be a detriment to the overall narrative. Too much is packed into a limited number of pages, rendering many plot elements ultimately inconsequential.

Furthermore, Howard’s metacommentary is becoming excessive and burdensome. In each issue, more

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #4

By: Tini Howard, Vasco Georgiev
Released: May 31, 2023

Betsy Braddock thought she had enough fury to deal with as Morgan Le Fay brings the Forgemaster Federal and his armies to the UK. But when Britain remains unbowed, Morgan reaches for the big gun - in the form of Doom! Will Morgan's ally of the past help her build the Avalon of her demented dreams? Or does Doctor Doom h...

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Mike rated Storm #1 Jun 2, 2023

Storm #1

By: Ann Nocenti, Sid Kotian
Released: May 24, 2023

ORORO MUNROE, A.K.A. STORM, has been a thief, a goddess and a leader of the X-MEN - and she's just getting started! With her mutant ability to control the weather bolstered by her top-notch fighting skills, she's a formidable opponent like no other (as CALLISTO of the MORLOCKS can attest)! But when an el...

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After reading Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #3, it's clear that the author Tini Howard has fallen into a predictable pattern of "Monster of the Week" storytelling, with Morgan Le Fay continuously coming up with foolish plans that inevitably fail in the end. This leaves the reader feeling disconnected from the overall storyline as there appears to be no apparent connection between the previous an more

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #3

By: Tini Howard, Vasco Georgiev
Released: Apr 26, 2023

He's here to right wrongs, defend the innocent and - oh wait, Morgan Le Fay put him in power? So much for the campaign slogans. Betsy Braddock is down for the count, Rachel Summers is iced out and the most powerful witch in history is about to take the entire kingdom for herself. Britai...

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Mike liked this:

Repetitive and nonconsequential. Feels like I've been reading the same story reworked over and ove again.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #2

By: Tini Howard, Vasco Georgiev
Released: Mar 29, 2023

TWO CAPTAINS - ONE COUNTRY - AND ONE HELL OF A FIGHT! Britain has a new champion - but don't be mistaken, she's been here for years. Morgan Le Fay is back for vengeance, and Captain Britain is first on her list! But where one captain fails, another may suffice... and Peggy Carter's got a right hook that would inspire the devil herself. Magical mach...

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Mike liked this:

A confusing mess of a "story" with characters that feel like they all have the same voice. Some poor examples of dialogue where one character tells another character how amazing they are. Don't tell it, show it. This gets 5/10 because of some decent art by Vasco Georgiev.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #2

By: Tini Howard, Vasco Georgiev
Released: Mar 29, 2023

TWO CAPTAINS - ONE COUNTRY - AND ONE HELL OF A FIGHT! Britain has a new champion - but don't be mistaken, she's been here for years. Morgan Le Fay is back for vengeance, and Captain Britain is first on her list! But where one captain fails, another may suffice... and Peggy Carter's got a right hook that would inspire the devil herself. Magical mach...

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Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #2 follows a predictable structure that has been used for almost every issue since Excalibur: a villain scheming, Betsy (and now Rachel) foiling her plan, the villain retreating, and a cliffhanger with the villain scheming again. While this structure may work for some readers, it can feel repetitive and formulaic.

Furthermore, Betsy comes across as an inc more

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #2

By: Tini Howard, Vasco Georgiev
Released: Mar 29, 2023

TWO CAPTAINS - ONE COUNTRY - AND ONE HELL OF A FIGHT! Britain has a new champion - but don't be mistaken, she's been here for years. Morgan Le Fay is back for vengeance, and Captain Britain is first on her list! But where one captain fails, another may suffice... and Peggy Carter's got a right hook that would inspire the devil herself. Magical mach...

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Mike rated Harley Quinn #28 Mar 30, 2023

Harley Quinn #28

By: Tini Howard, Erica Henderson
Released: Mar 29, 2023

Ever have one of those days where ya just can’t catch a break? A day where you’re really trying not to get into trouble while your girlfriend is out of town, but then some jerk attacks you at brunch, you get arrested for some teensy-weensy property damage, and you’re sentenced to community service? Why, I tell you, it’s enough to make a gal...

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Mike rated Scarlet Witch #3 Mar 11, 2023

Scarlet Witch #3

By: Steve Orlando, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 8, 2023

ENTER POLARIS! When Polaris' visit to her sister's new magic shop is interrupted by a microscopic warrior desperate for aid, Polaris and the Scarlet Witch put their own mystery on hold to help on a fantastic journey through Sub-Atomica! Meanwhile, the dark past of Wanda's enigmatic shop clerk, Darcy Lewis, comes back-with a vengeance.
Rated T+

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Mike rated X-Men #20 Mar 11, 2023

X-Men #20

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Mar 8, 2023

LORD OF THE BROOD - PART TWO! When the X-Men's close friend Broo became the Brood King, he gained the ability to control the savage alien race he was both a part of and so different from. Now he is experiencing his own nightmare scenario - the Brood are killing his friends, and there is nothing he can do to stop it! Featuring a connecting cover to ...

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Mike rated X-Force #38 Mar 3, 2023

X-Force #38

By: Ben Percy, Robert Gill
Released: Mar 1, 2023

It's all been leading to this - XENO's showdown with X-FORCE, and the terrible truth of their horror-show experiments! WHO, or WHAT, is the OMNI-MUTANT?!

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Mike rated Rogue & Gambit #1 Mar 1, 2023

Rogue & Gambit #1

By: Stephanie Phillips, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Mar 1, 2023

Krakoa is on a precipice. Destiny alone can see what's coming - but the precog cannot act. For that, she'll need her adoptive daughter, Rogue. Husbands need not apply! But with mutant duties stealing Rogue away so much these days, Gambit is determined to make the most of the mission and put some Cajun s...

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Mike liked this:

It's about time Brian reclaimed "Captain Britain". This drivel with Betsy has been going on far too long - and is going nowhere.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

By: Tini Howard, Giorgiev
Released: Feb 22, 2023

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Bets...

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Mike commented on this:

What a mixed bag.

On one hand, it's loaded with sapphic romance, fits a fair amount of stuff in without feeling garbled or rushed, and features lots of Excalibur characters I love but don't see much like Pete Wisdom and Faiza Hussain.

On the other, it really doesn't feel like Howard has anything new to say about everyone being a skeptic of Betsy and the other plots are star more

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

By: Tini Howard, Giorgiev
Released: Feb 22, 2023

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Bets...

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KittyNone - Feb 26, 2023

In all fairness, a lot of this feels like stuff that was meant to be spelled out in later issues of Knights of X, so this issue is saddled with the task of hitting the ground running with the relationship so as not to make new readers feel overmuch like they're starting in the middle, so I can see why there wouldn't be space to show us the process of them falling in love. But we also don't get to see much of what specifically they like about one another, what makes their personalities click.

KittyNone - Feb 26, 2023

And I agree, a little conflict would do wonders for that. Hopefully we'll get some as we go along

Mike liked this:

I wish I was more excited by this.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

By: Tini Howard, Giorgiev
Released: Feb 22, 2023

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Bets...

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Mike rated Nightwing #101 Feb 25, 2023

Nightwing #101

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: Feb 22, 2023

After the events of Dark Crisis, Superman has a talk with Nightwing, letting him know that now is Dick’s time to lead…so Nightwing gathers a group of friends to be the premier league in the DC Universe and moves their base of operations to Blüdhaven. Meet the new Titans! Then, following the events of the Nightwing 2022 Annual and the Superman ...

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Mike rated Superman #1 Feb 25, 2023

Superman #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Feb 22, 2023

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

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Mike rated Immoral X-Men #1 Feb 25, 2023

Immoral X-Men #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 22, 2023

They said the mutants were humanity's future. It's 10 years later and they were proven to be right. The X-Men exist in a world that adores and respects them...so why are they sworn to crush it?! But while they do, Emma can take a few minutes out to crush Mister Sinister.
Rated T+

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Mike liked this:

Stagnant and bland. The same tired story about whether Britain should accept their new Captain Britain dragging on for four years. A cheap #1 to boost sales when this is actually Excalibur #27.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

By: Tini Howard, Giorgiev
Released: Feb 22, 2023

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Bets...

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Mike liked this:

Cancel, restart, cancel, restart. Same $#!? Tini Howard has been doing that didn't really sell before and is just repackaged into another new title to continue her boring story. If you liked her other stuff you will like this. If you hated everything she's done with Excalibur then you will hate this just as much since IT'S JUST THE SAME OLD STUFF.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

By: Tini Howard, Giorgiev
Released: Feb 22, 2023

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Bets...

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Mike liked this:

More of the same

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

By: Tini Howard, Giorgiev
Released: Feb 22, 2023

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Bets...

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Tini Howard hyped up this book as a thrilling new adventure for Betsy, promising to take her “on her greatest ride yet” and “introduce her to the wider Marvel Universe”. Sadly, the book falls far short of these promises.

Instead, we get a predictable continuation of the cancelled previous series, with the tired plot of “Britain hates the new mutant Captain Britain” dragging more

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

By: Tini Howard, Giorgiev
Released: Feb 22, 2023

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Bets...

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Mike rated Knights of X #5 Sep 1, 2022

Knights of X #5

By: Tini Howard, Bob Quinn
Released: Aug 31, 2022


Merlyn has finally tipped into full-blown madness: He's sent his Furies on a campaign across the realm to burn everything in sight, and only those who swear fealty to the mad king will be spared. But there is still hope! A bargain between a powerful new ally and the Knights of X may just secure the Siege Perilous ...

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Mike reviewed Iron Fist #5 Sep 1, 2022

Not bad, but it's weird that Danny is more interesting in the few panels he is in than the current Iron Fist.

Iron Fist #5

By: Alyssa Wong, Michael Yg
Released: Aug 31, 2022

• The seal has been broken!
•  As a dark god's power begins to rise, LIN LIE faces an impossible choice!
•  Will the power of the IRON FIST finally accept him...and even if it does, will it be enough?

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Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1

By: Paul Allor, Katherine Lobo
Released: Aug 31, 2022

THE LEGENDARY OMEGA RANGERS defended the universe from evil thousands of years ago, the six of them  using their elemental powers to protect others from sinister forces.

But that all changed when one key member turned on the others, seduced by the death-defying powers of the Rangers' greatest foe.

How does this Ranger co...

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Mike rated X-Force #31 Sep 1, 2022

X-Force #31

By: Ben Percy, Robert Gill
Released: Aug 31, 2022

Mutants have staked their claim as the dominant species. That just means it's time for KRAVEN to prove once more he's the apex predator. Benjamin Percy's saga continues with a Kraven tale unlike any other, sure to reverberate for decades to come.

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #5

By: James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Aug 31, 2022

When Madison Flynn first crossed paths with the Corinthian, and saw his true nature, she reacted with astonishment and wonder, not fear. Across all his lifetimes, she was one of the only living things to ever see him that way. And now she will learn what a terrible mistake that was.

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Mike rated Thunderbolts #1 Sep 1, 2022

Thunderbolts #1

By: Jim Zub, Sean Izaakse
Released: Aug 31, 2022

Super-powered crooks have taken hostages in Staten Island?
A dimensional rift tears open in Chinatown?
Monsters running amok at the Met?
Call in the THUNDER!
New York City's finest are here to save the day -
Hawkeye, Spectrum, America Chavez, Power Man, Persuasion and Gutsen Glory!
You know 'em, you lo...

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Mike rated Flash Annual: 2022 Sep 1, 2022

Flash Annual: 2022

By: Jeremy Adams, Serg Acuna
Released: Aug 31, 2022

It's been a wild time for Wally West and Linda Park-West: their children are regaining their powers, Wally is bouncing between realms, and Linda is dealing with a mysterious power surge! Now, as Linda begins doing research for her upcoming book, Wally comes along for some quality time, and the couple end up on an adventure neither expected!

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Mike rated Amazing Fantasy #1000 Sep 1, 2022

Amazing Fantasy #1000

By: Kurt Busiek, Jim Cheung
Released: Aug 31, 2022

The comic that brought you SPIDER-MAN hits issue #1000! We're going big to celebrate in this, our thousandth issue of AMAZING FANTASY! An ALL-STAR roster of creators - Anthony Falcone, Dan Slott, Ho Che Anderson, Jonathan Hickman, Kurt Busiek, Michael Cho, Neil Gaiman, Rainbow Rowell, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Jim Cheung, Marco Checchetto, Olivier Coipel...

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Mike rated X-Men #14 Sep 1, 2022

X-Men #14

By: Gerry Duggan, C.F. Villa
Released: Aug 31, 2022

Are ANY of the X-Men right? Only one can judge them and the Day of Judgment is here, for good or ill, and the newest team of X-Men must face the truth about themselves and what they have done.

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