Alison Baker's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicosity, Comics Bulletin Reviews: 2
6.8Avg. Review Rating

DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 26, 2016

Rebirth has a lot of promise, and hearkens back to comics that a lot of readers, including myself, have truly missed. But if the "long game", as Mr. Oz calls it, is just another in a cycle of crises, each more frequent than the last, then the joy of this book may be short lived.

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Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1

Apr 6, 2016

Good news though: not every comic has to be brain-shakingly brilliant. Sometimes it's okay for it to be a fun story about the handsome Space Hero you've been swooning over for 5 months. Hopefully the story will spend more time on the rest of Black Squadron in the coming issues, as Jessica Pava and L'ulo in particular appear to be a wealth of backstory and character meat. As an Official Lucasfilm/Disney/Marvel product, I don't expect we'll get any of the queer subtext of movie-Poe, but then, if anyone is up to the challenge of rendering Oscar Isaac's lip bite, I bet it's Phil Noto.

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