Andrew Steinbeiser's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin, Reviews: 4
9.5Avg. Review Rating

While Justice League #34 is only the first chapter in a much larger narrative, Priest and Woods have already made ample progress in getting the series back on track. Priest has proven that he can dive deep into the Leagues head while spinning a thought-provoking storyline that also entertains. The real beauty however, comes when the team dynamics and plot threads begin to intersect at the issues end, promising afar more interestingstory for those who come back. Add in the vibrant artwork of Pete Woods, who truly brings Priests script to life, and you have the makings of one of the best Justice League stories of the decade.

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Batman Annual #2 is easily one of the best stories in Kings run so far, and likely a contender for the best Batman story of the year. Kings examination of Batman tends to thrive when the universal stakes are low and the emotions are high, and this issue is perfect example of that. By the time the last page hits, its clear that this issue is a love story and emotional exploration more than anything else. King, Weeks, and Breitweiser have presented an easy contender for one of strongest best Batman stories of the year.

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Author Andrew Steinbeiser @ComicBookdotcom

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With only two issues in the can, Marvel has delivered its best event comic since Civil War. Hickman and Ribic have established an extraordinary amount in just two chapters, but only leave readers wanting more. The stakes feel immense, but never so high that they lose perspective on the characters and story arcs driving them. It makes for a tale that both casual and dedicated Marvel readers can equally enjoy. While the surface is packed with dramatic conflict and intriguing ideas, the details underneath reward fans who have followed Marvel in laying the foundation. And Goddoom it if Esad Ribic doesnt make every moment sparkle with a gothic charm. Comics dont get more epic than Secret Wars. With the stage set, the characters established, and conflict ignitedall in glorious fashionheres hoping that Hickman, Ribic, and Marvel have even more secret surprises ahead.

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