Brittany Villarreal's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Unleash The Fanboy Reviews: 11
7.9Avg. Review Rating

The Mice Templar IV: Legend #1

Apr 3, 2013

The Mice Templar IV: Legendgets athree out of five from me; give the strip a little back reading and decide for yourself.

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Vitriol the Hunter #3

Apr 16, 2013

Vitriol the Hunter #3 gets three out of five starts from me. The storyline is easy to follow, the art is pretty good, and I think this could have a very promising future. I can't wait to get my hands on a Lord Barthus trading card!

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A Distant Soil #39

Apr 23, 2013

I don't know what's happening, but I know that I like it so far. I long for a little color however and I can't accurately judge the comic without doing a little back reading. I look forward to more!

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Danger Girl: Trinity #1

Apr 16, 2013

Danger Girl: Trinity #1gets a four out of five from this fan! Not a five?! Why? Because of my obviously biased childhoodrearing I'm unsure if this is really that amazing or if I'm just lost in a haze of blind appraisal. We'll just have to wait until next month!

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Haunted Horror #4

Apr 23, 2013

The writing (again by various people) is great! I really like the idea behind this line. And I imagine the creators behind this comic are either deeply disturbed or are extremely talented. I want to get in on this! Sitting around a room throwing out ideas to perplex and instill fear into the readers. Sounds like a perfect job! Because this isn't a running storyline, I can't say that I ever felt deeply for one of the characters or anything really on the plot. However, my favorite of the bunch was Rider in the Storm. Short, sweet, and scary.

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Miniature Jesus #1

Apr 16, 2013

I fear for my mortal soul for not giving it a 5. But so far, I'm waiting for a plot to thicken. This is off to a great start and I hope the unfolding plot does not disappoint. For the love of God, go read this comic!

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The Colonized #1

Apr 10, 2013

The Colonized #1 will definitely be something that I look forward to for a fun read every month!

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The Jungle Book: Last of the Species #2

Apr 3, 2013

Grimm Fairy Tales presents The Jungle Book: Last of the Species #2 gets a raving four stars from this reviewer. It's fun, dark, and tears at my heart strings.

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Amala's Blade #1

Apr 23, 2013

Steve Horton is the writer for Amala's Blade and I'm an instant fan. The writing is informative without being overbearing.

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X #0

Apr 11, 2013

We've got a dark hero with a mysterious vendetta against some bad guys. Without knowing much more than that, it was easy to get excited at all the blood and gore. The comic is very dialogue driven and I appreciate that. But more than that, I enjoy that I didn't get bored by overly long conversations or too many details at once.

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Miss Fury #1

Apr 3, 2013

I heartily look forward to the second issue and give this one a five out of five. I have no complaints and I feel like it has started with a great platform to launch from.

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