Chris Williamson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weekly Comic Book Review Reviews: 4
5.3Avg. Review Rating

I don't mean the creative team too much disrespect, but I think the readers would have reacted better to a really catchy battle in the beginning with about half of the text gone. As a simple man once said, “When you gotta shoot, shoot; don't talk.” Much like Ultimates 3 I would have been wiling to overlook the shaky aspects, but the artwork has to carry the lion's share and it really doesn't. I'm sorry to say this but…

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This story runs circles around the first issue, and while not perfect, definitely changed my mind about the series. My scorecard now reads 1-1. I hope the trend continues towards wins in the future. Issue #3 here I come, a day late and a dollar short.

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Overall, I liked the book. It wasn't the greatest thing I've ever read but it was decent. The art by Rubi is well suited for the Hyborian subject matter and he draws a nice Spidey, consistent and clean throughout. The writing is not bad. Frankly, I think this story could have been just as good if not better sans Spider-Man. Granted you would lose all of the Spidey characters but the story would be just as good with a less flamboyant male lead. Hell, Wolverine would have been a good choice (Marvel, you can have that idea). All that being said, I liked the book and thought the premise was cool. It's good enough to warrant picking up the next issue.

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I will read issue #2 in the hopes that my above complaints are simply first issue jitters and that things will work themselves out. Fingers crossed on this one.

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