Dante Buccieri's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Rhymes With Geek Reviews: 18
6.7Avg. Review Rating

Alex + Ada #4

Feb 19, 2014

The issue's meditation on intelligence, sentience and the subtle commentary on if the robot or the human is more "human" drive this issue entirely. The art is average, not enough to give the issue the extra push into makingAlex + Ada a truly incredible series. Is it worth your money? Absolutely. Is it in contention for one of the best series of the year? Yes. Despite mediocre art,Alex + Ada is one of the best stories being published by Image.

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Aphrodite IX: The Hidden Files #1

Jan 23, 2014

Aphrodite IX: Hidden Files had the potential to be a good jumping on point for new readers like myself, but an underwhelming, color-by-numbers recap issue is essentially all we have here. The original art is great, but theres not enough of it for me to really recommend this book for the art alone. Overall, this is a definite pass.

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Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 11, 2014

The VerdictBatman: Eternal isnt a bad story by any means, but its not better than decent. I think its too early to call this one a bust. The next few issues need to find a groove and find it fast. Needs more Stephanie Brown and Harper Row.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2014) #1

Sep 12, 2014

I have enjoyed what has been going on in The Spider-Verse and think they will continue to grow onthis in a way that hopefully makes sense. This 5-issue series will have time to grow along with SuperiorSpider-Man in the upcoming months and personally I am ready for it. Marvel is saying this series will addnew Spider-Men to the universe and bring all of the old ones back by the end of this. Edge of Spider-Verse was a great 1st issue and Spider-Man Noir should get its own series later on. If youagree comment down below and let us know what ideas you would like to see come to life in the NoirSpider- Verse.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #6

Feb 13, 2014

I still enjoyed this issue for the action and the story, but I'm still not excited about leaving the original story arc hanging for two issues without even acknowledging it. The art is underwhelming, but not poor. The long term solution for this book's art has not yet been found, and finding that person will be critical toEternal Warrior‘s long-term success. Pak is weaving a good story, but he should finish the one he started in the first arc before finishing this one.

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Flash Gordon #1

Apr 8, 2014

VerdictFlash Gordon #1 is exactly what you expect from a Flash Gordon comic book: it's a lot of action, not a whole lot of plot, but it's fun to read. If you like Flash Gordon, you'll love this. If you don't have a particular fondness for the franchise, then it'll be an entertaining action comic. It's the equivalent of a popcorn action movie. You'll know exactly what it is when you go in to the theater, and you shouldn't expect anything more than that when you pick up Flash Gordon #1. It's entertaining from both a plot and a team dynamic perspective. I don't doubt that anyone grabbing this will enjoy it. Whether you'll enjoy it enough to justify the $3.99 is entirely up to you.

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Furious #3

Mar 27, 2014

I love this series. The creative team is in sync on all levels and the book is an absolute pleasure to read. With nothing even close to a bad issue so far, Furious is in an early frontrunner for best miniseries of 2014. It's rare that you see a real introspective superhero comic, something that's just as concerned with the person behind the mask as it is with the fisticuffs. Furious gives you a taste of a tortured psyche struggling with redemption and the flashy fights we expect from Marvel and DC. This is going to be a really good trade, but I'd recommend the singles if you can find them. On a level of 1 to Strange Talent of Luther Strode, this gets an 8: plenty of really good stuff already shown, and a lot of room in the next two issues to elevate Furious from "really good" to "great."

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Injustice: Year Two #2

Jan 23, 2014

Injustice Year Two continues to be the best ensemble cast book DC is putting on the shelves. Issue #2 is a case study in how to craft a setup issue that is actually entertaining, and doesnt feel like a chore to get through. This creative team is firing on all cylinders so far, and for $0.99 youd be a fool to not pick this up. 9 out of 10.

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Rot & Ruin #1

Sep 9, 2014

This issue in the end won me over with its dark imagery and constantly moving storyline. I am not sure honestly if this series will gain enough attention, but if the writer answers the questions he's left open-ended and they continue with the art direction, I think it will do well.

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Saga #18

Jan 28, 2014

I've said this before and I'm sure I'll say it a million more times: an average issue ofSaga is better than 90% of comics on the shelves today. This issue has some great moments and finally feels like the overall narrative is moving forward. While I enjoyed the focus on relationship building and personal growth in this arc, I am glad that it's over and looking forward to something new. Issue #18 is no better nor any worse than the other issues in this arc, and that's not a bad thing. I still recommend picking it up, because plateauing at the high level that Vaughan and Staples have is still far above the rest of the industry.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #1

Jan 29, 2014

The strong writing and plot setup help carry the weight of this book. MostFirefly fans will likely be satisfied just to see Captain Reynolds and his crew back in space again, but I can say with confidence that it's a good outing both as aFirefly fan and as a comic in general. The art is mediocre but that's not enough to consider dropping the book altogether, especially since it's only a limited series. The book is not new-reader friendly at all (save for a recap paragraph on the credits page), so know that before you purchase. This is not a jumping on point, and you really need to be aFirefly fan to fully appreciate this book. That being said, it's a well-crafted and tight script. Browncoats will be happy withLeaves on the Wind and Iregret that there can't be a wider audience for this story.

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Sinestro #1

Apr 18, 2014

I love Sinestro. I love the Corps. I love the GL universe. I have a GL tattoo on my shoulder. But Sinestro #1 is another okay entry into the significantly bland GL line post-Geoff Johns. Am I going to continue getting it out of loyalty to my favorite franchise? Yes. Were I not a hardcore GL fan, Id probably not consider getting a second issue. Its neither bad nor unreadable, just bland with some top-notch visuals. I hope that Im wrong and future issues take off, but Im not optimistic.

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Star Mage #1

Apr 14, 2014

Definitely pick up Star Mage for the world building if nothing else. The world is incredible and Im excited to learn about the magic, the war, and where this story is going. Darien has a lot of upside and now that the exposition and world is set up, Im eagerly anticipating learning who Darien is, how hell interact with the responsibilities hes inherited, and just nuanced a young wizard can be. Just saying, I think Im going to like him as a character better than Harry Potter.

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Tech Jacket (2014) #1

Jul 2, 2014

Tech Jacket isnt a bad book; its just not very good. I dont have the time, money or inclination to tear through X number of Invincible comics and/or buy another 3-issue mini just to understand fully whats happening in one issue of a new series. If youre an Invincible fan, go for it. If not, then I wouldnt bother. Its a thoroughly whelming story with good art and colors but is ultimately forgettable.

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The 7th Sword #1

Apr 23, 2014

This is a story with a planet, socioeconomic structure, and civilization that seem like it would be a good idea but the lack of characterization, generic plot, and/or a compelling main character. Dont even get me started on the women in this story. The badass one who totes a flamethrower dies in the first 7 pages and the waify blondes weapon proficiency is a jug of water. Maybe this is better if youre a fan of samurai movies this is awesome. However, I cant endorse this to anyone else. This is a definite skip for me; I hope someone finds some pop culture send-up value in this.

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The Crow: Pestilence #1

Mar 11, 2014

This tale has a lot of upside and I suspect it'll get better with issues 2 and 3, but the choice of artist and lack of a compelling Crow make this first issue a little weak. Is it a bad story? No. Are the creators bad at their crafts? No. Even the best players strike out every now and then. This is not a great issue, but it's not poor; it's just a mediocre issue by some decent talent.

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The Sandman Overture #2

Mar 27, 2014

Overall, Sandman: Overture #2 is an enjoyable issue that ultimately needs a background in Sandman lore to really appreciate it. The creative team melds together seamlessly, creating a narrative that's twisting, surreal and thought-provoking. It's worth two or three reads just to fully appreciate it, and absolutely worth your time. The only really negative thing I can say about this entry is the time elapsed between the two issues. Gaiman and JHW3 are on track for best creative team in 2014 if they keep on the pace they're going.

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X-Files Conspiracy: Ghostbusters #1

Jan 22, 2014

X-Files " Conspiracy: Ghostbusters #1 is a great concept but has mediocre execution. The book is not bad by any means, but very underwhelming for the $3.99 price point. I'd recommend this to the die-hard fans of The X-Files or Ghostbusters, but everyone else can pass this over.

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