Sam Sobel's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 5
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Batgirl (2016) #6

Dec 28, 2016

Overall, BATGIRL's creative team has been doing an excellent job, and BATGIRL #6 is no exception. This was the perfect epilogue. It made the trip home, the most boring part of any vacation, exciting and action packed, and it left us some phenomenal questions to chew over while we wait. If Ivy changed her back into her other clothes, does she know Babs is Batgirl? Did our mysterious gentlemanoverhear Barbara talking to Frankie, revealing her secret identity? Most importantly, exactly who is he? The next issue of BATGIRL can't come soon enough!

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Batgirl (2016) #7

Jan 25, 2017

All in all, BATGIRL #7 was an intriguing start to a new story arc, but not my favorite issue in the series. There are some strong themes present, and it would be great to see them explored. I have full confidence that Wildgoose will eventually hit his stride. I'm excited for what the next issues will hold!

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Raven #4

Dec 20, 2016

If I have one complaint about RAVEN #4, it's that we don't learn much in this issue. Raven still doesn't know what the Thing is, she still can't enter it, and once again we don't know who or what is causing it. Since the entire series will be just six issues, it felt strange to go an entire issue without really advancing the main plot. One loose end is addressed, but not in a way that furthers the story. It's a good moment for her character, as we see her internal struggle again, but we don't gain any further understanding of anything other than Raven. The great side plot we get instead, however, is more than enough to make up for this. A well-fleshed-out side plot that fits so seamlessly into the main plot is never really a bad thing. Overall, I loved RAVEN #4 and can't wait to see more!

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Raven #5

Jan 18, 2017

All in all, RAVEN #5 was a strong installment in a series that has been an intimate investigation of a beloved character. We've seen Raven struggle with her emotions, something all readers can empathize with. Wolfman's writing, as always, is phenomenal, and Jose and Neves are an artistic team to be reckoned with. I'm truly sad that we only get one more issue; at the same time, RAVEN #6 can't come soon enough!

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Teen Titans (2016): Lazarus Contract Special #1

May 31, 2017

"The Lazarus Contract" finale has all the right pieces, but it puts them together in a way that feels just a bit off. The art, however, leaves nothing to be desired.

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