Shane Miosi's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd Reviews: 2
9.5Avg. Review Rating

Going to the Chapel #2

Nov 5, 2019

You should read it because I'm telling you to" not good enough? The first issue was treated like an establishing shot. Here's the visuals, here's the tones, here's the cast of characters and here's the premise. The second issue kind of drops you straight into the action and it escalates quickly. That sudden spur of excitment hits you when you read the book. The only way I know how to explain it is by quoting one of the greatest poets of the 21st century.

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Spencer & Locke 2 #2

Jun 7, 2019

I think I'm at a loss for words, so let me leave you with one last thing. GO READ THIS COMIC NOW! Love you all, and sorry for yelling at you, but honestly, I think this is a comic that deserves all the attention and all the praise.

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