Shane Pelzel's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers Reviews: 4
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Grifter #7

Mar 19, 2012

The art? Well, it's always great. The story? Well, pick one note and sing it over and over. Sometimes your voice cracks and sometimes you sing like an angel. As much as I liked about this issue I just couldn't help but be disappointed that Grifter still is developing to his full potential. Midnighter may have been an air freshener for us, but in the end it's still the same ride. Hopefully the story takes a turn for the better in #8 because I'm not quite ready to turn in my badge, but I am definitely on that brink. Grifter isn't down for the count yet, and who knows, next month I may be telling everyone to pick up the series, but Grifter #7sits in the middle of the road for me at 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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Justice League (2011) #7

Mar 23, 2012

Justice League #7 had a lot of good with a bit of great and Batman's rodent face. This issue needed the action sequence to keep it exciting, because there's not much excitement at press conferences or in video chatting (No comment). While the spore situation was an enjoyable read there wasn't enough significance of the civilian's attitudes towards A.R.G.U.S. (Colonel Trevor's department) to justify filling that many pages. The second half also only reveals that Trevor is angry and in love. Which leaves all the filler space poking us and saying, "Hey! The Justice League is still the same!" I can say that I do plan on picking this series up for a very long time, but Justice League #7 just wasn't quite epic but still earns 4 out of 5 stars.

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Scarlet Spider #4

Apr 16, 2012

Google how many Scarlet Spider #1 reviews were written and compare it to the amount of #4 reviews. I regret to inform you that you won't find many reviews outside of personal blogs. I'm here to tell you right now to pick up this series. I wish I would have posted this on Wednesday, but either way, pick it up. Did I mention I think you should exchange your monies for Scarlet Spider #1-4 at your local comic shop? I didn't? Well you go do that and experience a series in which Scarlet Spider #4 earned 5 out of 5 stars.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #8

Mar 10, 2012

I actually laughed out loud a few times during this issue which is not something I remember doing since I started this run. I especially appreciated the reference to our term of Super Hero as a discordant word compared to the Apex's term in their superior language. I was not fully lost in this week until the end of the issue, and I'm beginning to dread that I won't fully grasp the upcoming inclusions to Uncanny X-Men unless I start reading Uncanny X-Force and Generation Hope. I feel the issue somewhat constructively utilized this break in action, but I would have liked to learn a little bit more about the team by this point. I do have to finish on this note though: The art for The Juggernaut was awesome. I once had a teacher who told us awesome was overused and should only be used to describe powers such as a Tsunami, but yeah, The Juggernaut was pretty awesome. Wrapping that all together and spitting it back out, Uncanny X-Men #8 comes to a 3.5 out of 5 stars for me.

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