tom liscord's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outer Realm Comics Reviews: 6
7.4Avg. Review Rating

Bendis' story is really filler. Why? All that is achieved is the government's decision in this issue how to respond to Osborn. The Avengers are simply an after thought to get us through to the end. While it does set up the next step in the series it comes at a dear price of slowing down the pace, which at this junture ought to be picking up.

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Really symbolized that this issue was all about Osborn. Even the Avengers would end up being the supporting cast.

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It's too bad because Brian Michael Bendis' dialogue can be a strength as well as a weakness to any story. Despite a well plotted issue, and a story starting to "come about into the wind", quickening in pace and tension, the dialogue acts more like an anchor weighing the issue down. Even in his own comfort zone with Spiderwoman, Bendis leaves her superficial and contrite. While many have groaned over another Osborn story, the details are enticing, and the outcome far from over.

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Not feeling Davis' cover art and it primarily seems to be composition more than style but still feels a step up from McNiven's take.

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The cover remains true to the story without giveaways which seems a feat nowadays. Davis seems to know just how to draw the reader into the pages that follow with only a hint of things to come.

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Fraction hits his stride in a big way. Action and intrigue coupled with excellent characterization. Stark's decision to board the C130 without argument is believable despite what many might construe untypical of Tony Stark. This is an Ironman using his great intellect and experience to gain the advantage when most opportune. Stark's comment about Disaster Capitalism has to be the best one liner coming from the most notable capitalist in comics. This issue is not to be missed.

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