Liberator #3

Writer: Matt Miner Artist: Javier Sanchez Aranda Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: September 11, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 4
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Liberator races toward its first mini-series conclusion as Damon and Jeanette delve deeper into the conspiracy. "An edgy new breed of superheroes who don't fight intergalactic aliens, they avenge animal torture."-N.Y. Post

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - David Gillette Sep 10, 2013

    Overall, Liberator #3 makes for another great story that looks more closely at the realities and dynamics that exist when people commit themselves to a higher cause, even if it requires wearing a ski mask. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Sep 16, 2013

    If the beautiful cover by Templesmith doesn't draw you in…. On top of getting a solid comic to read, 30% of Liberator profits will go to animal rescue initiatives. So, you can be entertained and also help a good cause as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Sep 11, 2013

    LIBERATOR is a much-needed comic right now, because in spite of its fictional narrative, it's so purposeful and so rooted in reality. Comics are a form of escapism, certainly, but they don't have to be without connection to real issues. We might not all be able to relate to Damon or Jeanette (especially after this issue), and we might not be masking up at night to liberate animals from inhumane situations, but we can see the good in their intentions, and we can learn things. The best part is that we can do this while reading an engaging comic with an unpredictable and interesting story. (Excuse me, I need to go adopt a bunny now.) Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jimbus_Christ Sep 5, 2013

    Its hard to speak about the meat of this issue without spoiling anything. Yet, Liberator # 3 seems to make a case for causes left behind. Damon doesnt save a single animal in this issue. He seems to forget about what made him don the ski mask in the first place. His pride is carrying him into dark territory, and its incredibly fun to read. Miners taken some time to explore the vices and virtues of taking justice into your own hands, and effectively creates the most compelling chapter in his series thus far. Read Full Review

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