Steed and Mrs. Peel #2

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Ian Gibson Publisher: Boom! Studios Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 1, 2012

    I admit it: I am a mark for this series (and the female lead in particular), which means that I probably have a predisposition towards enjoyment of this issue, but it IS a good one, and it's not your standard superhero bombast, something I know Stephen appreciates. (That is, so long as the bombast doesn't have a scalloped cape, then he'll drink all the Kool-Aid you got.) All in all, the first run of this book came at a point where Eclipse Comics was on the way out, and Grant Morrison was just a little-known guy working for Vertigo. Steed And Mrs. Peel #2 is a pretty cool book, well-written and gorgeous, earning itself a lovely 5 out of 5 stars overall. I'm totally psyched to finally get to read the END of this story! Now, can somebody bring back The Liberty Project? Read Full Review

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