Blackout #1
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Blackout #1

Writer: Frank J. Barbiere Artist: Doug Wheatley, Colin Lorimer Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: March 26, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 1
7.2Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Scott Travers's special suit lets him move through our world unseen and untouchable within a shadowy parallel dimension-but he doesn't know how the suit works or where it came from. With his benefactor missing and unfriendlies after his Blackout gear, Scott must find answers before the answers find him!
•  Story by Frank Barbiere (The White Suits, Five Ghosts).
•  Special King Tiger feature by Star Wars stars Randy Stradley and Doug Wheatley!
•  Part of Project Black Sky!
•  Introduced in the award-winning Dark Horse Presents.

  • 8.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Mar 26, 2014

    This was a solid start for Blackout. Even better considering that this isn't the first time some have seen him, having his initial introduction in Dark Horse Presents. It helps when with this first issue there isn't time wasted on trying to flesh out Scott's character, they jump straight into the action and all you need to know is that Scott is possibly biting off more than he can chew trying to look for answers. As an action and adventure, I think we should definitely hope he does to be able to see more of what he is capable of with the Blackout suit when put against whatever supernatural threats he may face along the way. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Rhymes With Geek - Josh Reifler Mar 25, 2014

    Overall Blackoutis a good start for a new hero. The comic takes some classic story-telling tropes and manages to come out feeling fresh and enjoyable. With only four issues in this series the action will certainly ramp up quickly. Luckily the creator team seems to work together well in terms of mixing both story and art to enhance key moments. Blackout's world feels futuristic and full of incredibly technology while remaining just a bit frightening. Overall a solid debut for a mini-series and worth picking up if you've been a fan of Barbiere's previous work. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Mar 25, 2014

    Overall, it is a satisfying read, one that holds some promise like the promise of Mecha for instance! Featuring some great art, a nice ultraviolent scene and good dialogue, Blackout is definitely one worth following. It will be interesting to see just what new ideas can be used when it comes to dimensional teleportation. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Michelle White Mar 27, 2014

    Overall, this first issue of "Blackout" feels a little light, but that's likely a side effect of Barbiere and Lorimer having to re-set the scene and spend some time on the exposition. Otherwise, this is a well-paced and confidently-drawn issue; and while the story at its core isn't anything special, the smooth execution makes it worth a read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Apr 1, 2014

    Blackout #1 is a well-conceived, well-executed sci fi mystery placing the corporate overlords as the villain which will likely have a little twist ending to reveal protagonist Scott to be closer to the bad stuff than he ever thought. Its made all the better by cool armour and mech suits and its an awesome comic book issue. Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell Mar 26, 2014

    It should also be noted that this book includes a short backup feature entitled King Tiger. Written by Randy Stradley, with artwork and colors by Doug Wheatley and Rain Beredo, this felt a little out of place in the back of Blackout. The two stories feel vastly different. However, King Tiger was at least interesting with some amazing visuals. With only a few pages to introduce the story, it is a little unclear what this story will actually be, but it was at least an intriguing first look. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Mar 26, 2014

    Blackout #1 is a good issue that lays the groundwork for some potential interesting story threads and so I'm looking forward to seeing how these things unfold. I wasn't impressed with Scott's character outside of the suit and his interactions with Ash as his cover/alter ego seemed to be a combination of the stereotypes of superhero alter egos. The suit and its ability were interesting but the machinations surrounding it were more intriguing and so I'm hoping the suit is more impressive as more of its origin is revealed, or Scott faces different situations. And the stage for that is set at the conclusion of this issue and I'll be waiting to see what's in store. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Mar 26, 2014

    If nothing else, this issue looks fantastic. Lorimer brings a cinematic sense of scale to the comics he works on. He wonderfully lays out scenes, drawing you close to a character at just the right moment, pulling out for that wide shot in all the right places. Blackout #1 moves wonderfully. The best bits are during the lead character's haunting nightmares. Lorimer delivers truly horrific visions of broken characters and spilled guts. As long as he's drawing this series, I'll be reading it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 26, 2014

    Just from the design and cover alone, I wanted to really like Blackout more than I did. What hampered it for me is that once again, we get a title that launched its story in Dark Horse Presents and continues on here without giving those who don't read DHP a clean enough start to feel like we're in on it. It's another title where you feel like you're a few pages behind or are missing from the book. There's a good bit going on and it has a pretty good story to work with based on what's here, albeit with characters that are barely one dimensional at this point, but it's a title that has a lot of potential that I'd love to see more of, if it can really develop it. The suit and its abilities itself are the draw at this stage of the game as it's hard to say if any of the characters will develop, but with a limited series run for it we at least potentially have the chance for a self contained story that can spin off from there. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Peter Schmeiser Mar 26, 2014

    Blackout has promise. The main character is a faulted person who is begrudgingly on this heros quest. The supporting characters coax decisions and reactions from Scott, and the cadence and dialogue of the villains indicate that they are a threat. Hopefully in Issue two of Blackout we will see what the blackout suit does and hopefully get some weight to the quest Scott is on. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Roderick Ruth Mar 26, 2014

    Having no prior knowledge of the title or its inclusion in Dark Horse presents, I'm at the mercy of detailed visuals and storyline and unable to get genuinely excited about this introductory issue. While it's execution is respectable, the issue just doesn't garner enough interest, visually or literally, and with a premise that alludes high hopes for fans of science fiction and action genres, this issue offers little in both regards. Instead it modestly and safely, treads water and doesn't give readers any of those genre expectations that we desire from comic books of this type. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    We The Nerdy - Bryan Huth Mar 28, 2014

    Although the writing of this new series may be inconsistent and unable to hold your attention at times, Colin Lorimer's art really keeps you reading as he uses cool colors and distinct lines to bring out the different tones that this series holds. The panels that take place in the physical world have a style that is very similar to Dark Horse's general style, but the art changes once Scott enters the Blackout universe by using less lines and definition to show just how alien this new world is. Dark Horse's new seriesBlackout can feel a bit dull at times but the varied art and mysterious new world offers something that should make you look into the next issue. While it is hard to judge a new series, it makes you wonder just what writer Frank Barbiere has planned. Stay tuned to We The Nerdy for more news and reviews from Dark Horse Comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 26, 2014

    So often in comics it seems like the art carries things and keeps your interest. In some cases it does you a service as things pick up later in the story, and I'm holding out hope that happens here, but as a first issue goes you won't be overwhelmed with good vibes, but rather teleported through its pages through the art alone. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 26, 2014

    In the end, I suspect more people will buy "Blackout" #2 for King Tiger than Blackout himself. Hopefully that will change after the second issue. I know Barbiere has something more attention grabbing in him -- I remembered liking the character's earlier outing -- but this has got to pick up the pace. When your backup feature is outshining the title character, that's a little worrisome. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Mar 25, 2014

    There's certainly potential to the story, but it's only going to be realized if these characters are given enough room to be fleshed out and three-dimensional. The idea of the suit will only get the narrative so far, and it'll be up to the characters to drive the story at the point; hopefully, the plot in future issues will test these characters and force them to reveal more about their character so we can get behind them and root for them. At this point, Blackout is at least worth a first look in the hopes that it'll improve going forward. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Big Comic Page - Chris Napier Mar 25, 2014

    Six pages of measured buildup lead to a final frame which is easily the best artwork in the whole comic and which let me wanting to know more about this story. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    the green death Apr 9, 2014

    A good but not great first issue that left me feeling a little lost not having read the DHP lead-in. The back-up however, is fantastic! Superb work from story to art to coloring. 9/10 for back up 7/10 for lead.

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