Batman and Robin #13

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Frazer Irving Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 7, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 15
8.1Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Writer Grant Morrison is joined by artist Frazer Irving (BATMAN: RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE) for the first chapter of a 3-part epic!Thomas Wayne a man believed murdered over 20 years ago has returned with an incredible tale to tell, and he's claiming the entire Wayne fortune! He's slyly demanding that Bruce Wayne must return if Bruce wishes to oppose the claim! Plus, the long-awaited return of the ultimate Batman villain!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka Jul 11, 2010

    Funny that Frazier Irvings panels are referenced as scenes, but thats exactly how they feel. Much of the action goes over-the-top, even as Pygs virus reveals a 28 Days Later-esque riot in Gotham, despite thankfully never reaching too far into cheese territory. And while I wasnt the biggest fan of his evocative haunts during Waynes Pilgrim portrayal (which may have to do more with an overly eclectic script) Irvings cartoony brushes just seems like the right fit. His colors come off as glum and murky as all possible, conveying much of that ominous atmosphere Tony Daniel displayed throughout R.I.P.that something really bad is going to happen (if not already), even with the imminent return of Bruce Wayne. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Jul 7, 2010

    New arc, new creative team, brilliant book. Pick this up. Trust me. I don't give out a whole lot of grades like this… Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 8, 2010

    Much of the issue's power is due to the art of Frazer Irving, who's the best thing to happen to this title since Frank Quitely departed after issue #3. Irving makes each unsettling image even creepier, and each turn of events all the more powerful. His storytelling is impeccable, and the haunting atmosphere he brings to each panel is invaluable in helping the story cast its spell. Batman fans, beware: with Irving at his side, already it looks like Morrison is ready to unleash his greatest Batman story yet. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jul 11, 2010

    Robin is left alone with a smiling and begging Joker that revealed the truth of how he has been manipulating Batman and Robin and the rest of the city police force for months. But Robin is too impulsive to be caught by the Jokers temptations. This story was good but weird at once. The beginning which starts a few days before the rest of the book was confusing in a Morrison way, so Im not worried about this. All we be clear by next issue. The best part was the smiling Joker who really didnt want to smile and how it was totally unclear if he was begging for his life or just taunting Robin. Irivings Joker is beautiful and scary to look at. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Jul 11, 2010

    If my comments here sound like hyperbole, so be it; the scope and style of this series generally make it impossible to speak about in any other manner. Ill accept the rational possibility that Batman and Robin isnt actually the best comic book in the world, but reading the latest issue sure does make it difficult to bring any other candidates to mind. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jul 7, 2010

    The first issue in "Batman and Robin Must Die!" has a similar feeling to the beginning of "Batman R.I.P." where everything is starting to fall apart and you just have to know what happens next. Paired with an artist as talented as Frazer Irving, Grant Morrison's writing takes on an even more ominous and depressing feeling, like, this time, maybe the bad guys may have a chance. I can't wait until issue 14 to find out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kyle Garret Jul 11, 2010

    I can remember the last time I was ever so eager to re-read my back issues. Oh, wait, yes, I can: it was the last time a Morrison-written Batman title was released. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 11, 2010

    I remain mystified at the logic-defying antics of Thomas Wayne (aka Dr. Hurt?), and I dont really think the Bat legacy can survive such a paradigm change to the mythos. However, Morrison is all about tweaking that mythos to test what still works and what doesnt, and when it comes to the major properties like these stalwart characters, its always good to run them through their paces to see if theyre still fighting fit. Morrison is really performing a service on Batman, giving us new ways to appreciate him in his ostensible absence. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Jul 11, 2010

    Overall, Morrison is showing why Batman was my favorite character in the 1970s, during the heyday of Denny ONeil/Neal Adams (and Frank Robbins) as well as Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 9, 2010

    There are a lot of things that go absolutely right in this issue, a few things that work but could be done a lot better, and, unfortunately, a lot of things that completely miss the mark. In terms of writing, this is one of Morrison's best efforts since the opening story arc, despite some missteps and strange plotting choices. On the flipside, this is not the Frazer Irving I'm used to seeing at all. I hate to speak so ill of such a talented artist, but this is some seriously bad mojo that pulls this book from what could potentially be a Buy It book to just barely making the Check It range. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    cxPulp - James Leask Jul 8, 2010

    Luckily, Frazer Irvings art is top-notch. Whereas previous arcs have featured more nimble, lighter scripts that played to the strengths of artists like Frank Quitely or Andy Clarke, the dark subject matter here benefits from Irvings murky, swirling colours and thick inks. He plays with perspective and jutting, crisscrossing shadows to disorient the reader, giving an almost Edward Hopper-eque feeling of dread. While this playing with perspective results in the occasional distorted face, the overall effect is by and large spectacular. If Morrisons writing doesnt improve over the remaining issues of the Batman and Robin must die! storyline, at least there will be some great art to look at. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jul 10, 2010

    Batman and Robin #13 was an excellent story. Even though the artwork for this issue was absolutely horrendous Morrison was able to deliver a story that is good enough that I will be able to power through the awful artwork. Morrison really delivered the type of quality story that I expect from him that sadly he hadnt delivered since the start of this series. But hear is looking up to a story with a lot of potential that should be one of the better Batman stories Morrison has written. I highly recommended picking this issue up as the story is great, just be warned the art is just plain awful but the story is worth powering through. Read Full Review

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