Convergence: Hawkman #1
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Convergence: Hawkman #1

Event\Storyline: Convergence Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Enrique Alcatena, Timothy Truman Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 22, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 2
6.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Hawkman and Hawkgirl put their Shadow War on hold as they face the might of anthropomorphic rat-men and bat-men in the deadly land of Kamandi!

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 24, 2015

    So apparently I'm buying one Convergence book after all. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 23, 2015

    Hawkman #1 is a gem among this week's decidedly mixed crop of Convergence comics. Parker is able to capture all the charm and adventure of the hero's pre-Crisis past Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Apr 29, 2015

    If ever there was a character appropriate to an event such as Convergence, it is Katar-Hol, Hawkman. For a character of such seemingly simple concept (a man with artificial wings and a mace, really how difficult can it be?) over the years the history and continuity around him have grown notoriously convoluted. He has gone from archeologist to reincarnated Egyptian sorcerer to alien policeman to a combination of the above, along with his wife Shayera, Hawkwoman. On a world made of clashing realities and warring continuities, Hawman is right at home. Thus it is perfectly appropriate that Convergence: Hawkman #1 is authored by Jeff Parker, whose experience with Aquaman, Batman '66, and soon with Justice League United make him well used to different tones and realms of comic magic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 24, 2015

    "Convergence: Hawkman" #1 gains strength from the way Parker holds off on tying things to the event until the last page of the issue. Sure, the dome is there, but Parker focuses on the dome being a mystery the Hawks have been trying to crack, a threat from foes they may have finally identified. This affords Parker, Truman, Alcatena, Kalisz and Sharpe the luxury of almost the entire issue to set the stage and define the players, focusing instead on adventure and character rather than on event and tie-in. I have no idea what condition Hawkman and Hawkwoman will be in following "Convergence," but Parker, Truman and team make a fine exhibition of what could be and appear to have fun doing it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Apr 23, 2015

    I'm fully in for this whole Convergence concept and I'm finding this very fun, so Convergence: Hawkman was right up my alley. The look at these classic characters in this interesting mash-up is yielding some fun stories to explore and I think Parker and Truman set a great tone in this Hawkman issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Apr 28, 2015

    A nice slice of adventure and characterization makes for a good Convergence read. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 25, 2015

    While I wanted to really love this issue because I always look forward to seeing Hawkman flying again, the reason this issue doesn't work is because the writer was too good at recreating this era of Hawkman, which was just lousy with nonsense.  Crazy Thanagarian science and terms are thrown at you all over this book and it just becomes a chore to get through because of it.  Hopefully the next issue will dial back the exposition and let our heroes get into proper action without trying to tie it into the Shadow War.  I do have to say that the ending to this book was one of the better in this entire Convergence event and that should matter for something. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Kate Kane Apr 29, 2015

    Hawkman Convergence hails towards an inevitable battle to save their world as the two heroes must now face the elusive voice from beyond the dome. Will their strength be enough or will they find themselves wiped from the worlds forever? Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Infinite Comix - louis whiteford Apr 25, 2015

    The story is a jumble of barely-there information that's poorly presented and poorly executed. Hawkman and Hawkgirl fight some gangs, then they make an appearance as civilians at a museum where they apparently work, only to reveal their secret identities immediately and fly off to fight giant hawks with demon heads. There's some rival Thanagarians trapped on Earth, and there's a magic dome trapping everyone inside the city. Frankly, it doesn't seem worth understanding. This comic is nothing more than a cash grab and a waste of one of our smartest, finest illustrators. Read Full Review

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