Cyborg #10

Writer: John Semper Jr. Artist: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 1, 2017 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.2Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

"LORD OF THE RATS" part one! Cyborg's gone to ground following the crippling malfunction of his tech at the hands of the corrupted S.T.A.R. Labs. Desperate to find his prey, the techno-villain posing as Vic Stone's father conspires with the Lord of Rats, a Detroit crime lord who agrees to hunt down Cyborg in exchange for OTAC transforming his rodent drug distribution force into a cybernetic rat army.

  • 8.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Mar 1, 2017

    Cyborg #10 brings new interest to this fight against Anomaly and whoever it really is pulling his strings. They are proving now that they are willing to go the distance in order for this to be Cyborg's story and world. He has his own heroes and his own villains to make Detroit as relevant as any other big state or city out there. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerd Church Radio - Ariel DuPey Mar 1, 2017

    This book was very text heavy, but Cyborg has beenconsistent with being this way. There's a lot more information that needs to berelayed so it fits the story. He's not your typical punch and kick superhero. Ilike Exxy a lot. His snarky comments or reckless suggestions do well to breakup the seriousness of all the techno talk going on.  I really enjoy the mystery of the voice thatis instructing Anomaly. Semper has done a really great job with taking anunderrated character and really making him more dynamic and interesting. Ithought the art was really well done and helped dramatize the tone of the book.Overall a great read and worth a pick up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Mar 1, 2017

    I thought Semper Jr. told a good story.However, it was the unnecessary addition of another hero that ultimately drags it down. The last few issues have been strictly Exxy and Cyborg dealing with Anomaly, so maybe Semper was hoping to change things up a little. Honestly I feel like he should've stuck with the relationship between Exxy and Cyborg, which takes a backseat in this issue because of Black Narcissus and I didn't like it at all. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Mar 1, 2017

    We get two new characters showing up in this issue, but after dealing with the same thing for so long now I just wish all of this would end because it's really become less and less interesting as the series has progressed and instead of getting any real answers about what this story is about, it just keeps adding more and more characters to fill out the arc.  The art in this issue is decent enough though, I just wish we could do something interesting with Cyborg. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Cam Petti Mar 1, 2017

    In the end, this book was harmless and by no means terrible; if you're a Stoner (a term for super fans of Vic "Cyborg" Stone that I just came up with. Tell your friends.), you can probably sustain yourself on what is provided. For anyone less committed though, Semper and Conrad are just trying to be too much to too many without committing hard enough to be entertaining. Cyborg #10 has settled down into the middle of the pack, and the title seemingly has every intention of staying there. Read Full Review

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