Green Lantern #46

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Mark Irwin, Billy Tan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 5
6.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Before he can discover why the Green Lantern Corps disappeared and left him as last hero standing, Renegade Hal Jordan must stop the fabric of the universe from crumbling. Hell need the help of two of his greatest foes to do it: Relic and Black Hand!

  • 8.6
    Comicsverse - Danny Rivera Nov 4, 2015

    No, GREEN LANTERN #46 isn't going to have you breathlessly turning pages, but it will leave you wholly satisfied. It would be perfectly understandable to not read anymore of GREEN LANTERN after this as this specific arc is wrapped up so well, but with Robert Venditti still writing, and the promises of Hal tackling his estrangement from Earth and the Green Lantern Corps head on, you can bet I'll be back for #47. Regardless, pick up the trade paperback when it releases, as this is not only a great Green Lantern story, but one of the better stories of the year. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Nov 4, 2015

    Even though this issue didn't break new ground or bust open a secret long forgotten within the DCU, Venditti knew what the story needed and didn't waver with something fancy. Despite the new arc seemingly heading back to earth, hopefully Darlene and crew factor in some fashion because their small sections add dimensions to this book. Either way if this issue was has proven anything about this arc of Hal Jordan, is that even though he doesn't look like he once did nor does he have his trusty power ring, he's still a hero and a Green Lantern. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Nov 10, 2015

    Green Lantern #46 provides a fitting end for Black Hand even if it's only temporary. Robert Venditti effectively closes one chapter on Hal Jordan's renegade adventures while setting the stage for his return to Earth and the revival of a classic Silver Age adversary. Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Kenny Coburn Nov 5, 2015

    Overall, this is a fun filler issue setting up the next large story arc in the mystery of where the Green Lanterns have disappeared to. Not much is added to the mystery here but, it is still an enjoyable read because of very solid character moments and entertainingaction scenes. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 5, 2015

    This issue wraps up most loose threads as Hal forms an impromptu alliance with Relic in order to neutralize Black Hand's out-of-control abilities. The conflict isn't anywhere near as epic or action-packed as the cover would suggest, but Robert Venditti handles the mistrustful relationship between Relic and Hal very well. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 4, 2015

    After waiting so long for this story to finally know what it wanted to be, I have to say that this finale to the "planets turning to stone" story feels really lackluster and doesn't do anything to answer any of the questions that we've had since Godhead.  It just kind of feels like this is a quick sweep the dirt under the rug type situation, where you hope that nobody asks too many questions and that's really disappointing because we really haven't seen anything that worthwhile from this new status quo to Hal Jordan.  The art is a mixed bag as well, but the strong seriously outweighs the bad here and there are some really strong pages to look at.  Hopefully, with this story concluded, we'll be able to get into something new, where we'll finally get to see this version of Hal Jordan shine. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 9, 2015

    Given that Green Lantern has been one of DC's most successful franchises in decades - over the past 10 years, he's probably second only to Batman and maybe Justice League's track records - it's a shame to see it looking this rough now. Perhaps most surprising is that this issue doesn't fail because of any wrong-headed choices, but because of the fact that it barely seems to be making any choices at all. There is so much potential to a character like Green Lantern, but, much like Krona's power gauntlet, the limits to the character are only that of the wielder's imagination. Here's hoping that a new location will do this series some good. Read Full Review

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