I, Vampire #19
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I, Vampire #19

Writer: Joshua Hale Fialkov Artist: Fernando Blanco, Andrea Sorrentino Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 24, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

With this, the final issue, will Andrew Bennett survive to dawns light?

  • 8.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Apr 27, 2013

    I, Vampire #19 isn't a perfect ending to this amazing series, but it's still a pretty damn good one.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 24, 2013

    I, VAMPIRE was a series that caught me by surprise. Because of my love for Fialkov's writing, I knew I'd check out this series when it was first announced even though I didn't really want to read another vampire comic. His writing and Andrea Sorrentino's art won me over from the first issue. It's a shame the series has to come to an end. This issue does wrap up loose ends and you won't know what's coming up on the next page as you read. Fernando Blanco shares the art duties with Sorrentino. I did like his style but didn't think it quite fit the vibe of this book. Switching between his art and Andrea's was a distraction. I would have loved to seen more stories with these characters. All good things must come to an end. It's just unfortunate that this is one of them. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Apr 24, 2013

    The supporting cast gets shortchanged as far as conclusions are concerned, but that is an acceptable negative given that Andrew and Mary got such a solid sendoff. Seeing how Frankenstein is currently lumbering around in the pages of Justice League Dark, it's not a stretch that we might see Andrew, Tig, and Mishkin the vampire-dog again before long. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 30, 2013

    In short, if I Vampire had to go, I'm glad that they got to go in a manner that befits the title and the characters, and not in a panicked spasm of Top 300 sales reports and angry creator. (I'm looking at you, Static Shock.) I'm saddened to see it end, but like many quality Vertigo books before it, it wraps up nicely while leaving room for additional stories and appearances by at least SOME of the cast. I, Vampire #19 doesn't suck, which is a joke that I've held off making for months now, but since this is my last chance, I'm throwing it in, giving us a bittersweet close and 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I hope to see more both from these creators and from this setting in DC's future output. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Apr 26, 2013

    Hopefully, the lasting legacy of this book is that something different can work in the New 52. If you had told most readers back in September 2011 that "I, Vampire" would outlast "Justice League International," they'd have laughed at you. But it did. It outlasted a lot of books that could have, and, frankly, should have, worked better than a relatively self-contained vampire story. And even though Fialkov got an arc to wrap it up, it still stings a bit that the final 7 issues didn't get to be, instead, the final 27 or 37, or 47 issues, and to let all the rushed ideas instead play out naturally. Even if the finished product came out less than stellar, all parties must feel pretty good about where things wrapped up. Yet "Catwoman" lives on. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Crux - Cal Cleary Apr 24, 2013

    This isn't the best issue of the series, though it's the first one since the cancellation was announced that actually feels like an issue of I, Vampire, rather than something smaller and simpler. At its best, the book combined super-heroic action with gothic romance in some of the most exciting monthly comics I've read in some time, layering thorough characterization and shocking plot twists with fun, larger than life stories. And while it's sad that I, Vampire's closing arc was so rushed and undercooked, this issue at least manages to achieve some of the wry wit and action that made the series such a pleasure to read. Read Full Review

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