JSA All Stars #6

Writer: David S. Goyer, Geoff Johns, Brian Azzarello Artist: Stephen Sadowski, Eduardo Risso Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 13, 2003

    I realize that this is supposed to be where I basically repeat comments I made earlier in a bid to reinforce my thoughts on an issue, and generally pad my reviews. However, other than comment that the opening story of this issue is a run-of-the-mill adventure, with no real surprises in store for anyone who has read the miniseries that introduced the character into the DCU, I find it difficult to get overly worked up by the first story to continue beyond this point. However, thankfully this book has itself a second story that is handled by the upcoming Batman creative team, and while the six pages they have to work with doesn't allow for a particularly complex story, they do manage to convey an nice film noir atmosphere, and based on this brief little look at what they can do, I'm rather looking forward to their Batman run. Plus, in spite of its abbreviated length the story does manage to deliver a rather clever twist in its final pages, that makes one question if Doctor Mid-Nite has be Read Full Review

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