JSA All Stars #7

Writer: Geoff Johns, David S. Goyer, Michael Chabon Artist: Dave Ross, Michael Lark Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
5.5Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 10, 2003

    The opening story in this issue is pretty much a repeat of a plot that has been playing out in pretty much every other Secret Files one-shot put out by DC, as Mr. Terrific discovers a couple DEO investigators dogging his heels, and this in turn has him visiting the head of the DEO organization to express his misgivings. The only real noteworthy insight this story does offer up is that the DEO considers the JSA the most powerful team in the DCU, which I'm not really sure I agree with as the JLA is still pretty hard to beat, even with it's new infusion of rookies. As for the back-up story, it's a very solid character study, as Mr. Terrific's brother makes for an interesting subject, but I found myself a bit disappointed by the story when I arrived on the final page to discover the character hadn't really been called upon to do anything beyond play a sympathetic ear to a man with a fairly genuine grievance against his brother. I'm also not quite sure I understand why the man was so moved Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Jan 2, 2004

    Michael Chabon is a fine writer and its nice to see him work in comics. He creates a nice back-up in a decent comic. Hopefully DC will commission a sequel to this series that features longer JSA stories by different creators. That could be very cool indeed. Read Full Review

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