Justice League United #11

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Travel Foreman Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 13
6.9Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

The Convergence is over! Now, Alanna Strange, Stargirl and Equinox must assemble brand-new and wildly untraditional teams of heroes and villains to work together and stop another cosmic catastrophe before it happens. In this issue: Mera, Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing and Etrigan!

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jul 8, 2015

    Justice League United #11 is a promising start for the new creative team. While it's a familiar sort of setup, the execution is very well handled and the issue featured a lot of great character moments and scenes. The writing is good and same goes for the artwork, though the latter can at times be rather unintentionally creepy. All in all, I'm eager to see where the next issue takes us. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Jul 8, 2015

    This series is off most people's radar but the question remains of whether it should be. The creative team is evidently not afraid to take chances, especially with the odd selection of members for this otherwise iconic team. Of course there are likely very few people that would read an ongoing title with this collection of heroes, but the mix here is exactly what is needed for this story arc, or so it would seem as the team is assembled together. As was proven as well with Justice League Dark, those looking for their fix of Justice League need not only look to the main titles but also to the other Justice League titles on the market, because as with the case here, they will sometimes find a gem. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Terry Miles, Jr. Jul 14, 2015

    I really like this story simply for the different feel of aJustice Leaguetitle. Obviously, there's a threat big enough to summon a large team to respond, but the nature of the threat (and the personnel available) require a special kind of team. Everything comes together organically, and there's a real sense of danger for the team. The artwork fits the surreal feel of the book perfectly, and is consistently detailed each panel.Justice League Unitedis a fun title with a unique flare. The book had my curiosity, now it has my attention. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jul 8, 2015

    Justice League United #11 is definitely worth a look for anyone who strayed from the book despite liking some of the characters. Parker and Foreman have an intriguing concept here and this first issue is executed well. This comic features some great characters who are well written and Travel Foreman's artwork has some serious pop at points. I'm definitely in to see where this book goes and JLU is back on my radar. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jul 9, 2015

    Some exposition problems and not enough focus on the antagonist aside, this was an entertaining and promising starting issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Jul 9, 2015

    Aside from the odd panel here and there, "Justice League United #11" is a decent book with a lot of potential. Parker continues the fun tone of the series, while juggling the old and new members very well. Foreman bounces around various location and characters fairly well, with only a couple rushed moments in one of the more crowded scenes. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Daniel Gehen Jul 14, 2015

    With the series now in the hands of writer Jeff Parker and artist Travel Foreman, the book appears to have a tighter focus than before. It's quite a feat given that the cast has expanded greatly, and promotional artwork promises an even larger roster in the coming months. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 8, 2015

    "Justice League United" #11 is overall a good start to the new incarnation of the series; we get a good introduction to the basic ideas and thrust of "Justice League United" that holds back on pouring on the revelations right out of the gate. If the rough spots can be smoothed out, this book can easily jump all the way up into the realm of excellent. For now, though, it's certainly good enough to pick up next month's conclusion to this opening two-part story. Parker and Foreman's new "Justice League United" has its long-awaited purpose, and it's one just full of possibilities. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 8, 2015

    This new direction of JLU feels exciting and fresh even while I can't  explain everything that's happening.  I enjoyed seeing the diverse characters join together, the ending had me a bit confused.  It was enough to have me curious for next month, but I hope we learn a lot more then.  The art of Travel Foreman is top notch and I am cautiously optimistic for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Jul 9, 2015

    In the end if you can get past the weird up and downess in the quality of the art then the issue is well worth a read. For a title that's only on it's eleventh issue, the team is in a constant state of flux which usually would be annoying but the way it's being handled actually makes it quite interesting, hopefully the art smooths out and this series will officially be good. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Jul 15, 2015

    Several years ago I had a friend who worked as an information technology technician for a major educational institution. I remarked to him once that his job must be very stressful, as he had to deal constantly with very demanding, ill-tempered customers. He said that it was not as bad as one might think, as a huge number of problems in his field could be solved with three fingers – that is, by pressing Control-Alt-Delete and rebooting whatever recalcitrant piece of equipment he was faced with. He observed that life would be a great deal easier if more problems admitted of such an approach. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 8, 2015

    What's frustrating about a book like Justice League United is that from the get-go, you understand the potential behind this book - this is the perfect opportunity to showcase some lesser-known characters and make them shine. Indeed, the rotating cast lends plenty of room for tension as well as character-defining moments, not dissimilar to Jon Ostrander's run on Suicide Squad. But ultimately, you have to look at the book that's in front of you - this is hardly a defining Justice League, and this is hardly a good first impression for this team. Parker and Foreman are both talented creators, but Justice League United does not feel like a good fit for them. Read Full Review

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