Legion of Super-Heroes #41

Writer: Jim Shooter Artist: Aaron Lopresti Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 30, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5
7.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

“ENEMY RISING!” Part two! The threat of the extinction of all life grows! Meanwhile, with newfound, hideous strength, Princess Projectra rampages in downtown Metropolis! Plus, Invisible Kid, Brainiac 5 and Saturn Girl attempt to spy on a secret U.P. operation!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate May 2, 2008

    Shooter keeps the Legion of the Super-Heroes an engrossing read without abandoning the freshness of the 'new' team. His team, however, are definite heroes with heroic goals and thats what makes them so likeable. Shooter fully considers the implications of a future setting, and his science fiction elements work smoothly in whats shaping up to be an absorbing mystery. Lopresti makes an able substitute for Manapul. I wouldnt mind seeing him illustrate if Manapul ever leaves the title. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 5, 2008

    Legion of Super Heroes #41 was a thoroughly enjoyable read. Shooter continues to flex his muscles on this title as he clearly shows how a writer is supposed to write the Legion. Shooter is giving us the most entertaining Legion since, well, I can't even remember the last time I had so much fun reading a Legion title. Shooter is delivering a title that boasts strong dialogue, impressive character work and a story that is constructed of numerous plotlines. I would definitely recommend giving the Legion of Super Heroes a try. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Apr 30, 2008

    Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    IGN - Dan Phillips Apr 30, 2008

    With so much going on with the Legion of Super-Heroes in the current DCU, I think it's only appropriate that the team be aloud to shine in the pages of their own book. Currently, Shooter's Legion is too obsessed with character driven soap opera to get around to telling the grand, sweeping stories the Legion is known for. We've followed all your "B" subplots, Mr. Shooter. It's time to unleash your "A" game already. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 13, 2008

    This issue is interesting, but passes by quickly, and the events, while noteworthy, don't really give the impression of a full chapter, instead seeming more like a few pages in a larger continuing story. It's not a satisfying chunk of action, even with the nice character developments for Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy, Timber Wolf and Princess Projectra. Shooter's story is nicely plotted, but I'm not feeling the urgency of "What will happen next?" The art, by Aaron Lopresti, is more reminiscent of Barry Kitson's work than Francis Manapul's reworking of the teamfrom recent issues, but it's solid nonetheless. Overall, this issue, while good, doesn't quite get past the 2.5 out of 5 star mark, well-crafted but not overwhelming, and while I am interested in where the story is going, I'm just not getting the world-shattering changes that DC's hype seemed to be promising for the LSH. Still, at least we don't have women with breasts twice the size of their head screaming "I'm dripping with Read Full Review

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