Nightwing #85

Writer: Devin Grayson Artist: Mike Lilly Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 10, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"Did Not Shoot the Deputy" part 2. Somebody has to take the rap for the murder of Chief Redhorn. Will it be Tarantula or Nite-Wing? One thing's for certain: neither is going down without a fight!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 15, 2003

    This is one of those issues where Nightwing is essentially placed in the background, while the events of the plot play out before him, and I've never been overly fond of stories like this, as I buy this book to follow the adventures of Nightwing, not the secondary characters. Now yes Nightwing is given some panel time, as there's a rather cute little moment where we see Nite-Wing contacts Nightwing in a rather unorthodox, but highly familiar manner. There's also a nice sense of closure in the final pages as we see Dick essentially burns his last bridge in the Bludhaven police department, which will hopefully bring an end to this subplot, which in my mind has pretty much run it's course. However, most of the issue is handed over to the mystery involving who killed Police Chief Redhorn, and given there has never been much doubt about who killed him, the big reveal that it really was the most likely suspect comes across as an incredibly lazy resolution that require little to no effort on Read Full Review

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