The Goddamned #2

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: R. M. Guera Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: December 16, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 17
8.9Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

    "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."
--Genesis 6:6

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Dec 22, 2015

    It's the revenge comic it feels like Aaron has building to for decades and it's one built on broken bodies and a twisted shattered earth. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 16, 2015

    This issue tops the first with more character development, world building and awesome action than the first. Guera and Aaron are putting together an awesome series. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Dec 16, 2015

    Once again its probably worth clarifying that no, this is not your grandmas bible story, but for a stark, brutal dose of violence and brutality along with a truly compelling protagonist who maybe, just maybe, is finally showing a little bit of heart the Goddamned remains an absolutely essential purchase. Is it too late to add this one to mybest books of 2015? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Joshua Rathbun Dec 16, 2015

    It's easy for me to recommend this, and I do, as there's nothing in it that bothers or offends me. That can't be said for the regular reader. It's a book about God giving up on humanity and how people batter each other to pieces and curse their creator. It's a great book. After plowing through it, I just want more to read. I hope it finds a good amount of readers because I feel it's every bit as good as the early issues of Walking Dead or Saga. It's just crazy how Image finds great creators to do great things for them. This is for sure my favorite thing Image Comics is putting out. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Dec 17, 2015

    "The Goddamned", after only two issues, has cemented itself as one of the best new series of 2015. In these two issues, a world and its people have been conjured from words, pencils, and color. The simplicity of the story and the intricate simplicity of the art have come together to create an experience that will have you shocked as well as laughing. When something this horrendous is depicted, the only thing you can do is laugh. That response is proof that Aaron, Gura, and Brusco are eliciting primal responses from their readers. We can't help but be attracted to the ugly of the world and "The Goddamned" #2 deliciously beckons us toward it with gusto. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Brandy Dykhuizen Dec 17, 2015

    The Goddamned is a fantastic retelling of Old Testament tales, maybe born of a mind forced to sit and behave throughout childhood's Sunday mornings. Positioning wickedness and debasement against a backdrop of unquestioning and relentless religious quests gives The Goddamned relevance to any eon in which humanity existed, including today. "The Beasts of the Field" wraps up with mystery to spare " a field of animal corpses (did Noah's mission fail, or are those just unicorns?), a dinosaur-riding, empathetic Cain " and a deliciously colorful and trippy preview into Issue #3. With the promise of raiders, more bones, battles and a saddled dinosaur, this reader is ready to commit until at least Exodus. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Fanboys Inc - Buddy Beaudoin Dec 17, 2015

    The Goddamned is a deeply disturbing and morose take on Biblical lore that only Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera could tell. The second issue is much further reaching than the first, and plunges you into the mind of Cain as he runs head first at every opportunity to die. Its an amazingly satisfying piece of storytelling from a team that is at the top of their game. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Flip Geeks - Paul Ramos Dec 17, 2015

    Of course, some issues I raised in the first issue, like being sacrilegious and iconoclastic, can carry over to this chapter as well. Regardless, The Goddamned #2 reads brutally and uneasily well, most especially to the fates of these pre-destined/predetermined casts who are now on the apocalyptic collision sooner or later. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - John McCubbin Dec 16, 2015

    The Goddamned #2 is yet another amazing entry in this unique biblical tale, with the creative team continuing to win me over with their ultra violent narrative. They also lay the seeds for future developments, and although the story may not be for everyone, it is one that should at least be given a try, coming highly recommended by us. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Dec 19, 2015

    In my years Ive broken bread with Protestants, Catholics, Non-denominationalist, Pentecostal-Charismatics and cultist. Ive seen many of the white-washed tombs on whom Woes Christ called down. Ive seen the logs in the eyes of the brethren whom concern themselves with the specks of dust in others. If my reading of Aarons work here is correct, Ive many times met in His house The Goddamned. The story may be subversive, even sacrilegious; but more importantly, it is a mirror which shows, quite clearly throughGuras awesomely awful art, the ugly face which the Body of Christ so often wears. If the self-professed saints dont want such criticism, they should not only pay lip service to the Father, but do His will as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Lizard Lounge - Neil Bason Feb 5, 2016

    About as brutal and depraved a story as I've yet read, but it isn't shock value for shock value's sake, instead we have the beginning of what could prove something very special. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Dec 18, 2015

    Jason Aaron has rightly earned a reputation of being a great writer of comics, pick upThe Goddamned and find out why. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 17, 2015

    This may be the darkest thing Aaron's written since Scalped, and yes, I'm including his Southern-fried noir in Southern Bastards. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven E. Paugh Dec 16, 2015

    So, while I was fairly resigned after reading The Goddamned #1, I have to say that its second issue was just the pick-me-up / tantalizing taste of things to come that this series needed to get me back on-board. Noah pun intended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Dec 19, 2015

    "The Goddamned" provides another violent and tough read. This one focuses on the complexity of the character of Noah. The book really mixes his brutality well with his soft side for animals. The comic has powerful artwork that adds a deeper layer to the violence in the story. This is not for the timid. The story could be a classic in the making. This is a good issue to pick up. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 17, 2015

    Everything about the world Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera are building is brutal, savage and nihilistic. Their vision of a pre-Great Flood humanity leaves a strong impression, to be sure. Guera is the real star of the show. His style has grown far more bold and striking since the days of Scalped. Read Full Review

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