All-New X-Factor #5

Writer: Peter David Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 4
7.6Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

• Learn the sinister secret of Techno Inc.!
•  Brought to you by Serval Industries.

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Mar 26, 2014

    All-New X-Factor is still delivering on the glorious promise of its concept: a corporate-sponsored team culled from both previous iterations of X-Factor and characters new to the roster, bringing with them all the baggage and personalities of previous issues. It still has some of the most evocative art on the shelf and an absolutely glorious sense of humor and fun to it, making it an easy recommendation. Any odd-numbered issue makes a fine jumping on point, so if you cant find the first four, dont worry about it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Mar 29, 2014

    All-New X-Factor #5 pushes the series into the final legs of its opening arc and prepares to solidify the line-up. Both Peter David and Carmine Di Giandomenico produce consistently well-done stories issue after issue. Together they have successfully made me care about Gambit, Quicksilver and Danger. Next month well find out if they can make lightning strike twice. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Stuart Conover Mar 29, 2014

    I'm still not sold on the concept behind the ‘All-New X-Factor' and didn't trust Serval Industries motives even before this issue's reveal, but I can't help but wanting to know more. I love the return of Warlock though am wondering how it'll all tie together. I'll be happy to see these old characters pop back in and possibly even join the team, depending how the next issue plays out. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Patrick McAleer Mar 31, 2014

    The action set piece at the end, preceded by a big reveal, is well executed but this issue really sings earlier on during the less kinetic, quieter moments as writer peter David develops his characters and adds a nice depth to the team dynamic.Overall another solid issue with some great scripting and a nice big boss showdown at the end. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter Mar 30, 2014

    X-Factor was a good read, likeable art and characters make it easy to sit through. I couldn't help but feel like there was a lack of depth in the writing. I can only contribute this to not having read the previous issues, but it felt as though the writer skimped on any character besides Danger. Who knows, maybe this is just her arch to shine, and we will see a greater sense of character development to come. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 28, 2014

    I've been pretty hard on the series so far, but I really felt that Peter David's writing and characters were finally starting to gel in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    JBL Reviews Mar 30, 2014

    This was a fantastic issue. Peter David's characterization was spot on. Danger, the character, was written with stone-faced humor that pulled the story in the right direction without ever being silly. We are quickly learning who these people are and learning to care about them in the context of a team. My only small complaint was the art during the final scene. It was difficult to tell what was the Magus and what was Warlock. To be fair to Di Giandomenico, they are supposed to look similar, but there were a few indecipherable panels. Otherwise, great issue!

  • 7.5
    Giantjester Mar 29, 2014

    While the roster is nearing completion in this issue, there were moments in this issue that were severely hampered by the art. During the climactic moment at the end of the issue, the art had a few frames that were entirely unclear.

  • 8.5
    Nomadic Avenger Apr 5, 2014

  • 8.5
    mrDovydas Mar 28, 2014

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