Avengers & X-Men: Axis #9
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #9

Event\Storyline: Avengers & X-Men: Axis Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Jim Cheung Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 24, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 17
5.0Critic Rating
5.2User Rating

• Who will live? Who will die? Who will remain inverted? A shocking climax that promises to crack the Marvel Universe to its very core!
• An old foe must claim the mantle of his greatest enemy to save the lives of all he cares for!
• An X-Man's horrifying fate! An Avenger's appalling choice! If you read only one comic this century - This is it!

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese Dec 29, 2014

    In the end AXIS was worth the time. I like Remender a lot so I was pretty excited for this and it delivered with a bunch of neat superhero moments stacked on top of each other. It wouldn't be the first work I'd hand off to the friend but I would recommended it if they were into reading a healthy plate of tie-ins. Read Full Review

  • 6.7
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Dec 24, 2014

    Between writer Rick Remender and a team of superstar artists, Avengers & X-Men: Axis had a lot going for it, but it fell to the event comic curse. It tried to repeat the bombastic appeal of Avengers vs. X-Men while attaining the critical acclaim of Civil War, only to miss the mark by quite a bit. The first three issues felt like set up material that could have been Uncanny Avengers issues, the inversion concept was never meaningfully explored, and the end left us with a couple inverted characters and a bit of ungraceful corporate synergy. While this final issue had its moments, Axis is overall still a Marvel event that never managed to scratch the surface of its potential. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Dec 24, 2014

    Axis has ended and there will be some ramifications in the Marvel Universe. Because of the nature of the story, this issue was packed with characters. The unfortunate thing is many characters and the changes they went through were not able to be fully explored. With the inevitable return to their true nature for most of the characters, you kind of wonder why some were inverted in the first place. Having so many different characters involved was key to the story but too many simply fell into the background. For some characters, the change in their attitude felt sudden. As with many recent events, the importance can be measured by what happens next. It would be great to see more on how the characters' actions while inverted affect them rather than it all be swept under the rug. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Dec 30, 2014

    The series, thankfully, finishes strong. Or at least, as strong as possible. It's unfortunate that the series wanted to scatter its focus, so that many heroes and villains were reduced to fairly static scenes, becoming little more than disconnected vignettes. That's something not helped by the splitting of various scenes among the writers. Still, the colors remain a strong suit, and the story attempts some token acknowledgement of its themes. Moreover, there are several significant endings that don't follow a very pat resolution, providing a feeling of wrapping up while keeping some threads open for some genuine change. The characteristic weaknesses are still here, though, and really hold this back from being something truly momentous. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Stuart Conover Dec 27, 2014

    When the dust settled and all was said and done, Remender gave us a story that actually made a couple of changes to Marvel characters though clearly none that will have any lasting effect in the long run. Pointless fighting, bad dialogue and pacing make this the least fun Marvel Event of the year. I would go so far as to say it was worse than last year's ‘Battle of the Atom' and ‘Age of Ultron' events. Way to not make mine Marvel guys. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Jan 12, 2015

    In the end, Avengers and X-men: AXIS #9 completes the story in a way that isn't wholly satisfying, but it won't make anyone too sick to their stomach. It's a powerful struggle with a compelling concept that never got the refinement it needed. It was still a struggle worth following and while some of the impact was lost in the spirit of not fixing what isn't broken, it still has merit. There will be some who don't appreciate it, but that's one inefficiency that can never be inverted. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Dec 29, 2014

    In the end, "Grinding Halt" is an appropriate title for this final issue as the story finds its way to an end. The purpose of "AXIS" seems to be simply to have undone some wrongs while testing out others, and in the end, Remender was successful in that regard. He also set up no shortage of future adventures and even provides the springboard for a pair of titles to launch in January. "Avengers & X-Men: AXIS" #9 is the capper to a series many readers will likely forget, but the repercussions of this adventure will impact stories for at least the very near future. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Dec 24, 2014

    Avengers & X-Men: Axis #9 is one hell of a finale for this event. It is one incredible train wreck. The plot and story make no sense and are contrived as hell, the writing is awful, the characterization is a joke and insult to fans, and the artwork is a mess with so many people working on it. It's official. After a series of bad event comics, one after another, Marvel should walk away from them for a good year or two. They need time to sit and think about what they did, like a child who broke a vase or something. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Dec 30, 2014

    The creators on this book deserved a better chance to show their talents. Having read much of Remender's work I can't believe he left this book that riddled with holes. This can't be the story he set out to do. In hindsight, the first act was fairly good and can be read alone with a decent level of entertainment. This issue is the low point. There must have been a more creative way to get a handful of characters to switch sides than this comic book event. Avoid it. It's not even worth the action. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 24, 2014

    And that's the real tragedy behind Axis. It's not about good versus evil, or the sacrifices made to change the status quo. Marvel wanted Avengers vs. X-Men Part 2, and they got it - and this is more of the same haphazard, rushed storytelling and cog-in-the-machine visuals that flat-tire even the strongest writers and artists. You can't help but wonder if that's why Marvel has been lacking in its event game the past few years, even when it's thrown superstar writers like Jonathan Hickman, Matt Fraction and Brian Michael Bendis at it. You can't expect organic, coherent comics when you're stacking the deck against your creators like this. And that's a shame, because at the end of the day, Axis likely began with the best of intentions. But as they say, good intentions are all the road to Hell is paved with. Read Full Review

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