Captain America: Reborn #6
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Captain America: Reborn #6

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Bryan Hitch, Butch Guice Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 27, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 10
6.2Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

The story so big we needed another issue to finish it! The return of Captain America! The fight for the body and soul and mind of Steve Rogers! Avengers versus the Red Skull and his cronies! The biggest finale of the year is finally here! Brought to you by Ed Brubaker, Bryan Hitch and Butch Guice! Rated T …$3.99

  • 10
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Feb 8, 2010

    All I have to say about this comic is bravo. It was well worth the wait. Ed hit all of the right notes here, the battles were fantastic and his mastery over all of the inter-personal relationships here was a thing of beauty. I really can't find fault with anything that was in this comic... Even as it wrapped up the Reborn storyline, it planted seeds for the future with whatever those weird visions Steve was having were all about. After reading this, even without reading the final issue of Flash Rebirth, I declare this mini-series the winner of the Cap Reborn/Flash Rebirth mini-series contest... Hands down. I think you know what score I'm going to give this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 28, 2010

    I'm not arguing with the results, and I'm thrilled to have Steve Rogers back, but with Ed Brubaker writing, I expected better. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 26, 2010

    If I have any criticism of Reborn, it's that it might have worked better as a climactic arc of Captain America than as a miniseries in its own right. The story relies too much on what's gone before in Brubaker's magnum opus to be able to stand as a self-contained story, and we equally don't see any real exploration of the impact of Steve's ordeal on his character here (although presumably we'll see that in his ongoing title). As a high-profile arc of the Captain America title, this story probably would have been lauded as a high point of Brubaker's run on that book. As a miniseries in its own right, however, it's "merely" a fun action-packed blockbuster of a superhero story, executed by creators that clearly know how to bring the story that they want to tell to life, but who aren't going to be breaking any new ground whilst doing so. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Jan 26, 2010

    The superhero spectacle of this conclusion might seem out of place in the more grounded "Captain America" run. Not that the main series, with its skull-faced supervillains, conspiracies, crazed Eisenhower-era refugees, and mind control victims is all that grounded in reality, but there's more bombast in "Captain America Reborn" than in the entire run of the main series under Brubaker. But it's the good kind of bombast, the kind that fits the explosively dramatic return of a legend. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 27, 2010

    When examining the problems inherent to Captain America Reborn and this final issue in particular, it all comes down to how little the comic has to offer in terms of surprises. Even its most exciting moments seem to lack any real consequence thanks to other recent comics. By the time Steve settles down to contemplate what he saw in his journey through time, it still feels like we're experiencing a retelling of events and developments we first learned elsewhere. But even that being the case, the most telling criticism of this series is that it includes about half the fun of other such spectacle-driven comics, and even less of what Brubaker has done so brilliantly in the main Captain America series. I'm glad it's over. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 29, 2010

    So, the real question here isn't necessarily the quality of the tale within, but instead whether it was worth the wait and the time anomalies that accompanied the additional issue. Let's be honest here, when this series was launched, the TITLE made it quite clear that Steve Rogers wasn't as dead as my headlines would have made one believe. This didn't change the fact that the issues thatcame AFTER the events of this one having Steve in them bothered people, maybe even enraged a few... And the intent of the additional issue was to give this story more room to breathe. Problem I have with that is, this issue is mostly fight scene. Sure, it's an interesting fight scene, full of MODOKS and giants and GLAYVIN, but... it's a fight scene. The most interesting parts of the battle between Steve and Johann was in the last issue, and if you just take this issue on it's own merits, the psychic battle is too short, and ends abruptly. Bryan Hitch always does good things with art, but this issue take Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Feb 2, 2010

    The bombastic and traditional nature of the super-hero action in this issue probably would have been better served by someone with a more exaggerated, conventional style rather than the photorealistic approach one expects from Bryan Hitch. I liked the idea of and design for the MODOK-like creatures that give the heroes a run for their money, but we really dont get a clear view of them in action here. Hitchs cover art is a bit odd as well, as it features just about the entire Marvel Universe at Caps side when really only a handful of Avengers turn up in the story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jan 30, 2010

    The return of Captain America was an eventuality and this was the mini series that brought him back. In years to come no one will remember that the return was spoiled in other titles weeks before the mini series completed. However, what will be out there for all to see is how this mini series, this issue in particular, was such a big departure from the entire Brubaker run on this character over the last several years. If you haven't read the Brubaker run then you might find this to be a marginally decent return from death story that was a little odd with some mixed results in art. However, if you loved the Brubaker run and how deep the conspiracy went then this is simply a letdown in terms of a payoff. Rogers should have stayed dead. It was a more interesting story apparently. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jan 31, 2010

    This miniseries had a lot of ups and downs, but up to this point I'd say that the good ultimately outweighed the bad. However, this issue screams quite loudly that the story went on for one issue to long. There isn't enough story here to fill the issue while the art team looks like they blasted through the finish on this one just to wrap up the story (I don't know if that is the case, but that is how it looks). By this point, we all know that Steve Rogers is alive again, so I can't see any reason to pick this up other than to be a completist on the miniseries. Read Full Review

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