Guardians of the Galaxy #18

Event\Storyline: Original Sin Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Ed McGuinness Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 27, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 10
7.1Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Original Sin Tie-In!
Nova, the Human Rocket - who once burned a bright streak across the Marvel Universe, gone in a flash. Side-by-side with Star-Lord, Richard Rider fought valiantly to save the universe from Thanos. Left sealed in a twisted and horrific version of our own universe, Richard Rider sacrificed everything to save us. Now, the truth of that sacrifice will finally come to light! Thanos and Star-Lord miraculously reappeared, but Nova was nowhere to be found. The true story about what happened has remained a closely guarded secret between two bitter enemies. Now, thanks to the events of Original Sin, the truth is about to come more

  • 10 - Stuart Conover Aug 30, 2014

    I absolutly loved this issue! While we're still left with questions, the journey to answers are well under way. Not only that, but we get a great issue on its own merits that make us once again appreciate and miss Richard Ryder. Fans of the characters have been clamoring for a resolutions since the first issue of this book and we are finally almost there! Will this wait have paid off? I suspect we'll find out in the next issue and really wonder why this has been such a huge secret so far from both of these cosmic characters. Why have Peter Quill and Thanos remained silent about returning to the regular continuity? What happened to Richard Rider? These are questions we'll finally soon have answered! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Aug 27, 2014

    Sadly I wish there was more I could talk about in regards to this issue, but if you're like me and itching to know what happened, anything I say about the story will spoil it. While Bendis didn't tell the whole story yet, his build up (which he's famously known for) truly paid off and I cannot wait to see the conclusion. Fan or not of the artwork, you have to appreciate what the team of McGuinness, Farmer, and Ponsor did for this issue. Calling this animation movie quality artwork doesn't even do this justice. Go get this now! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 29, 2014

    But at least we're finally getting an explanation, so I'm all for it. And a month or two seems much more manageable than "never." Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Aug 25, 2014

    Guardians of the Galaxy #18 is a rock solid comic that brings readers closer to the answers of what happened to the original Nova and how Thanos came back on the scene to wreak the havoc that was Infinity. It doesn't get more A-list than Bendis and McGuinness and the two bring their best to this issue. It is a must-read for Guardians fans and anyone who has read the Cosmic titles in the past decade. That last page will grab you, and I know I'm itching for #19. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Tres Dean Aug 28, 2014

    Brian Michael Bendis finally addresses Peter Quill's escape from the Cancerverse in this week's installment of Guardians. Long story short, it's an issue that is worth the long wait. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 1, 2014

    Finally learning what happened with Thanos & Nova in the Cancerverse was made as exciting as can be by Bendis and McGuiness. Readers who missed out on the 2010 series “The Thanos Imperative” where these questions originated may not care as much, but they're still treated to some amazing McGuiness art and a quickly paced, action heavy issue. It may also lead those readers to go back and read that fun series by the writers who refreshed the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. If you're looking for these answers, or even if you're not, this issue of Guardians of the Galaxy will entertain. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Aug 28, 2014

    Ed McGuinness is at the top of his game in an epic smackdown with Thanos, as every moment with Nova is beautifully realized art. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 25, 2014

    The moment many of us have been waiting for, the secret behind what happened to Nova is coming. The good and bad thing is we don't get all the answers in this issue. As important as this story is to Richard Rider fans, it's not one that we would rushed or cranked out. Brian Michael Bendis takes us back to the in between the pages moment from when we last saw Star-Lord and Nova together and their memorial. Ed McGuinness' art is great to see here. If you're a fan of Richard Rider or have been wondering what happened to him, you'll want to see how it all plays out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Lance Paul Sep 2, 2014

    Though better served as an annual allowing more page length and less "to be continued", ish 18 does rank as the best issue of this new run" even if it has taken over a year and a half to get there. With exceptional pencils courtesy of McGuinness, ink by Mark Farmer and a color palette that's blows off the page by Justin Ponsor, this issue is Marvel on crack! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Aug 28, 2014

    Guardians of the Galaxy #18 is an issue that feels wobbly. Maybe it's the years in between but the tone just didn't sync with the DnA era as it clashed with the more whimsical nature it currently enjoys. Still I think there's enough worth here to pass this comic book with a recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 27, 2014

    "Guardians of the Galaxy" #18 is one of the best issues of this current volume featuring Peter Quill and his band of vagabonds, which is interesting considering this is actually a flashback story told between the panels and after the closing cover of a previous volume of Guardians. At least Bendis and McGuinness are putting a significant amount of effort into the story and making it a fun read in the process. This is exactly the type of story that fans of the motion picture need to trip across. It gives the characters familiar ground to cover, but does so in a way that is almost as big and explosive as the movie itself. If this were an Annual, I'd be re-reading it right now. As a multi-part tale, I'm temporarily satisfied, but anxious for more. "Guardians of the Galaxy" #18 is a fine appetizer. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Aug 29, 2014

    While I would have liked some more plot development, McGuiness' artwork makes up for it Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 25, 2014

    That said, it's hard to spoil a comic like this, because there's really not much to it. Bendis is only starting to tease the answers to Star-Lord's seeming resurrection, and even that feels like window dressing to the battle royale between Star-Lord, Nova, Drax and Thanos. It's a comic that looks great, but is also almost completely calorie-free in terms of its narrative. Thankfully, Ed McGuinness is a beast of an artist, and that's what saves Guardians of the Galaxy #18 - if it was a lesser artist working on this issue, this would have been a massive fizzle. As it stands, it's a fun diversion, even if it doesn't measure up to the hefty bar that their Hollywood counterparts have set. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 5, 2014

    Incomplete, the comic ends on yet another cliffhanger (this one involving the Cosmic Cube), the story works although by now most readers have long moved on. I was slightly disappointed that the comic doesn't address the original Guardians who were a part of Cancerverse arc as I'll always root for appearances of Starhawk and his teammates. For fans. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Doom Rocket - Gavin Rehfeldt Aug 28, 2014

    So, yeah, I'm mixed on the issue. On one hand it was not as accessible as it could have been, and is missing a big segment of the appeal of this title: its team. On the other hand, you can't pass up or put down Bendis's beautiful character work and easy wit. The template might be difficult to embrace, but the details are loveable enough. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Outright Geekery - Gaumer Aug 30, 2014

    Maybe if this ish felt like it mattered, or if I cared anything about the past events being depicted in this ish, or even if I thought that things between Peter and Gamora will be different by what's going on, Guardians of the Galaxy #18 would still have a clumsy approach, with terrific art that seems to be meant to compensate for a less than inventive story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    We The Nerdy - Spencer Maxwell Aug 29, 2014

    There are some slight issues with the art. It feels rushed as it leaps from great to good. Characters aren't as defined as they in every panel on the page. The action is pretty awkward as the characters are positioned in ways that make the battle a little confusing. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Infinite Comix - Joey Ulfsrud Sep 1, 2014

    There's really not much to say about Guardians of the Galaxy #18. The art is solid, but the story is flimsy. It's a real disappointment out of Bendis, especially if all the drama boils down to just some kind of cosmic cube magic. Hopefully, this arc resolves well, but if things keep going down this path, it may have been better to leave this adventure to the imagination. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Chase Magnett Sep 1, 2014

    Comics arent a balancing of various aspects like composition, color, story, and words; theyre a fusion of all these things. No matter how effective one aspect of a comic may be, it still must work in combination with everything else in order to construct a finished piece. The art in Guardians of the Galaxy #18 is big superhero action at its best, but the complete lack of drama and storytelling left me cold. Grade: C- Read Full Review

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