Hawkeye #1
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Hawkeye #1

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: David Aja Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 1, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 37 User Reviews: 35
8.8Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

The breakout star of this summer’s blockbuster AVENGERS film and self-made hero Hawkeye fights for justice!With ex-Young Avenger Kate Bishop by his side, he’s out to prove himself as one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!Matt Fraction & David Aja (IMMORTAL IRON FIST) reunite to tell the on-going tales of the Arrow-Avenger!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 1, 2012

    I had extremely high expectations for Fraction and Aja launching a new Hawkeye series. He's always been a favorite character but hasn't always had the best of luck in comic series. This one will change all that. Fraction and Aja give us more of Clint Barton rather than Hawkeye. This isn't just a guy in purple with a bow and arrows. This is a highly skilled man that can't help but be a hero. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Flip Geeks - Mikael Francisco Sep 6, 2012

    Hawkeye is definitely a series worth following. It had a strong start, and if the second issue is any indication, it looks like the level of quality that Fraction, Aja and Hollingsworth deliver will be consistent every month. Believe me, if you're not reading this now, you're missing out on a lot. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Nov 16, 2012

    This is possibly the best comic I've read in a long time, partly because each one feels like a standalone issue. I give this a 5 simply because it's fully deserved. Read Full Review

  • 10
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Aug 3, 2012

    I suppose if I wanted to quibble, I could say that this nicely self-contained first issue doesn't really do much to set up a long-range storyline for the series" but I don't want to. In fact, screw that—here, my friends, is that modern desiderata of the superhero genre: the perfectly-paced and executed done-in-one story. If the succeeding issues are anywhere near this good, this'll give Daredevil a strong run for its money as Marvel's best superhero book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Aug 18, 2014

    Even if this was the onlyHawkeyeissue these guys ever released, it would be a stellar comic in and of itself. It's intelligent without being showy, sincere without getting schmaltzy, and gorgeous in a way that's both retro and modern. Thankfully it's but the first in a series that hasmadeClint myfavorite Avenger-while-not-avenging, anditturned me into a lifelongfan of Messrs. Fraction,Aja, andHollingsworth. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 2, 2012

    This book is good. That's really all you need to know. Hawkeye #1 nails the execution, and hits the metaphorical bullseye (I'm sure I'm the only reviewer to think of THAT clever bon mot) for 5 out of 5 stars overall. It's a good looking comic, a great read, and there's not a giant cosmic war nor an epic standoff to be found, just a well-written character doing the right thing for the right reasons, and fighting the good fight. You won't regret reading this... Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Aug 9, 2012

    Hawkeye 1 is a bold, practically perfect first issue with great writing and amazing art. Fraction and Aja rekindle their old Iron Fist magic and I hope that this will be the beginning of a long series. My only fear is that new readers coming to this because of their love of the Avengers movie might be put off by spare use of his costume, his archery, and lack of a supervillain. I hope that's not the case as this is a great example of what comics"especially superhero comics"can do when the right writer and artist come together on a project they care about and are willing to take chances. Here's hoping I'm wrong. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Aug 2, 2012

    I have been won over by this book. I would argue that it is a must read for all comic fans. It's going to have a little bit for everyone and at the end of the day Clint Barton is more like us than he is the heroes his world seems to be so filled with. He's just a guy with a bow and an arrow who will get a bruise when punched hard enough and has down-to-earth heroism in his blood. This comic is definitely on my list for the long haul, very pleased with the work displayed so far and can't wait to see where we go next. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Entertainment Fuse - Kat West AKA Comic Uno Aug 7, 2012

    This is a series you must pick up. I would put this series right next to Daredevil and Captain Marvel. Even if you have never have read a comic with Hawkeye this is a series worth picking up. Matt Fraction makes this comic perfect for new readers. I can't wait to see what issue two has in store forus. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Aug 2, 2012

    At $2.99, you need to give this book a shot. Marvel is really trying something different here, and it's brilliant, with a creative team that is working at their absolute peak. This doesn't just meet expectations, it exceeds them. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Addicts - Anubhav Dasgupta Aug 7, 2012

    Pick this comic up. Read it. I doubt anyone's going to hate it. Marvel's got another hit on their hands after Waid's Daredevil began last year. And this may shape up to be even better than that.Definitely a Hawk-Aye! Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Outer Realm Comics - Winter So1dier Aug 11, 2012

    For $2.99 coupled with Fraction and Aja delivering at their prime, it deserves your support. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Aug 4, 2012

    Just as Mark Waid crafted a version of Daredevil that is wholly familiar yet completely new and fresh, so too has Matt Fraction with the underused Hawkeye. Yet the strength here is that Fraction doesn't concentrate on the Avenger but the man who has come up from the streets and has to work every day at being good. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Aug 6, 2012

    Hawkeyeis going to be a great series. Fraction and Aja prove that lightning can indeed strike twice. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Chad Bowers Aug 2, 2012

    With everything that's set up in this issue, and with fan favorite Young Avenger Kate Bishop showing up soon, this all-new “Hawkeye” definitelyhas a lot of promise. This isn't the first superhero after-hours comic that's ever been, and it's not even the first one from Marvel., but it is the first time we've seen this approach for Hawkeye, and despite being in a market that's flooded with new #1 issues, honest to goodness firsts are awfully hard to come by. So I'm thankful for this one — but more importantly, I'm sold on it too! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicville - Jake Pippin Aug 8, 2012

    I plan on following this along for a while, there is some great potential for a fantastic series Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Midnight Logic - Atlee Greene Aug 6, 2012

    Fraction does a fantastic job of painting him as the everyman's hero of Queens New York. David Aja's art felt like something I would see drawn on a subway wall and Matt Hollingsworth's coloring gave the story a Bohemian motif to match the grittiness of the story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    iFanboy - Josh Flanagan Jul 31, 2012

    Making this a one shot issue was exactly the right thing. I got halfway through, and thought, I don't want this to continue. I want this to be one great issue, all on its own, and they actually listened to that instinct on their side as well. There was no cliffhanger at the end. The impetus for coming back to for the next issue is built on the fact that this one was good, rather than the idea that they're going to force us to fill in a blank about who was on the last page. It was a great decision, and made for a stand alone issue. I hope this version of Hawkeye has a great and lengthy run, and continues to defy and exceed expectations. Hawkeye #1 strikes exactly the right tone, and is simply gorgeous to behold. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Aug 2, 2012

    Aja's art is wonderful and while it looks simplistic and I don't mean that in any disrespect but what's different in this case that most of the other books try there best to capture every little detail but here it goes and captures the emotions that are needed. Even the colouring is just plain but impactful. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Aug 6, 2012

    A side note; anyone know why one of the variants has Spider-Man surrounded by the many incarnations of Doctor Octopus? It's a cool cover and the one I purchased, but I can't seem to discover the reason for it's creation. Please let me know in the comment section below. Thanks! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - Phil Oldham Nov 5, 2012

    This is a comic about long time Avenger Hawkeye fighting landlords with his fists and its awesome. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Culture Mass - Jonathon Jacobs Mar 19, 2013

    Through both exceptional writing and illustrations, Matt Fraction and David Aja have breathed a new life into a character who usually finds himself eclipsed by the daunting shadows of top tier Marvel characters. This book provides quick-witted dialogue, thrilling action, and the rare look at an Avenger on his "days off". Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Aug 9, 2012

    Overall, fans of the character will love this book. Fans of the Fraction/Aja will love this book. People who only know Hawkeye from the movie will also love this book. Its a great introduction to the character, and hopefully well see a good story when the next issue comes out in September. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Jul 31, 2012

    Marvel has had their share of missteps lately, but they have also made so many cool and smart choices of late, like bringing on Brian Wood and letting Fraction and Aja do this book exactly as I imagine they wanted. The result is a smart, modern comic that pulsates with creativity. "Hawkeye" #1 joins books like "Wolverine & The X-Men," "Ultimate Comics Spider-Man" and "Daredevil" as one of the best and most interesting superhero books on stands. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 31, 2012

    Combine that with a fantastic presentation " Matt Hollingsworth's colors add that real-world dinginess to every page, and letterer Chris Eliopoulos might have made the most gorgeous credits list I've ever seen " and you have a book that's actually the opposite of fan service. This is a book that's a jam session, a reunion tour for two talents that made their bones together and want to see what music they can make next. This first issue isn't explosive, it's more of a warm-up " but if this is the opening shot, Hawkeye will be scoring bullseyes soon enough. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Jul 30, 2012

    As a traditionally non-Hawkeye fan, this book delivered in spades. In the span of one issue, Fraction and Aja made me care about a character I never had before, and did it with such force that I can't wait for the next chapter. But if you're an established Barton enthusiast, then this might just be your new favorite Marvel title. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Aug 2, 2012

    Of course, next issue is bringing us Young Avenger Kate Bishop as a potential sidekick, so that might not stick as an idea. Then again, she's just a good archer, too. The lack of powers and lack of punisher-style gunplay could really make this a unique book. We'll just have to see how long this respectable restraint lasts. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 3, 2012

    He shoots one arrow, two coins and a playing card in this issue -- and throws a bunch of punches, only some of which land -- but I've got no worries. If this is how these guys do a slice of life, they're going to be just fine when the stakes get higher and the big targets start popping up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Mar 5, 2015

    Ultimately this is more of a new story-arc than anything shockingly new. Sure the stakes seem to be a bit higher this time around. Sure the relationship between Clint and Kate will develop further. But Hawkeye ain't broke and it's pretty clear thatLemire knows it. He's taking the best elements, adding his own flourishes, and maintaining the level of quality fans expect. Dive in. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Aug 2, 2012

    Fraction takes an achronological approach to the plotting and script, and it's vital to the success of this self-contained story. It adds to the drama, creates an air of mystery and even intrigue to what is, basically, a straightforward, grounded, street-crime kind of story. The writer portrays the hero as surprisingly and refreshingly vulnerable and fallible. He's an underdog, not only because he usually exists in a world populated by gods and billionaires, but due to his own choices and lack of sophistication. Ultimately, though, what draws one into the story is the fact it's about a guy who's tries to do good in a circumstance that would see almost anyone else turn a blind eye, give up or shrug. He doesn't even try to make other people's lives better; he just sets out to make sure they don't any worse or more difficult. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Jay Mattson Aug 8, 2012

    Hawkeye is shaping up to be an incredible series. Matt Fraction's natural, organic writing partnered with David Aja's minimally gorgeous artwork proves that you can write a superhero comicbook that's not all mad scientists (which, as a side note, I find there is a lack of these days), alien overlords, or mystical threats. Sometimes, the best stories are the human ones, the tales that deal with real people overcoming real situations. For Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, that means standing up to what is wrong, no matter how convoluted and messy it gets. The real Ollie Queen would be proud. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Tom Parry Aug 3, 2012

    All in all, its a good book that I'm excited is here, and am really looking forward to more of. So, for me at least, it did its job well enough. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Aug 9, 2012

    Hawkeye #1 is a strong start to a series with a lot of promise. Matt Fraction is able to do a lot of character work for Clint Barton's character as he dedicates the issue to who the character is. Even though we don't get much Hawkeye in this issue things are set up well as when know who the man behind the mask and get set to follow his adventures. With the addition of David Aja on art duties Hawkeye is an ongoing series that has all the potential to be a true breakout series. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Rainbow Hub - Mad Moll Green Nov 12, 2015

    Hawkeye #1 ends with a dual cliffhanger"in the present, Kate leaves Clint to become Hawkeye in her own way, while the future Kate is injured and Clint is cornered by the Mandarin. Whatever happens next, the past and future are going to move forward, together. And that's probably the whole point. In the meantime, the next entry in our BAMF series, all about everybody's favorite illegal music downloading, Jersey loving archer is waiting for you. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Aug 10, 2012

    One thing that impressed me was that Hawkeye is not seen in his costume after the first two pages, this is Clint Barton being heroic without the costume or even his bow. For the creative team to pull that off is a treat and has me looking forward to where they go next with this series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Aug 5, 2012

    This is an excellently conceived comic book. Fraction, Aja, and Hollingsworth combine for a Hawkeye book that is unlike anything else available right now, placing the focus squarely on the life of a superhero in-between their superheroic activities. I admire their zest for the mundane, but I'm not yet convinced I need to see more of it. We shall see. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Aug 4, 2012

    Now I appreciate Marvels attempt to breathe new life into a classic super hero, but it just didnt fit for me. Theres a reason the past Hawkeye series didnt work. Hawkeye is a supporting character. Always has always will Read Full Review

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