Mighty Avengers #17

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Khoi Pham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 27, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 4
5.7Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

SECRET INVASION TIE-IN! Is this the true return of Captain Mar-Vell or is something more sinister at play? Plus, Marvel Boy is confronted with his true destiny!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Oct 31, 2008

    The artwork is weird. It seems like a second rate John Romita Jr. clone. It has some of his feel, but without the tightness in design, that makes Romitas work crisp and alluring. The linear work captures much of the feel though. Perhaps its the best thing to hope, for a story about a second rate Avenger. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Aug 27, 2008

    I'll agree that Khoi Pham's art, which I usually love is a bit uneven in this issue but the story is a poingant and strong one. Sure, this issue is rife with more “connecting of the dots”, but I like how this whole story leads up to the Ultron story arc seen last year. It does a good job showing us how Hank found himself involved with Tigra. But there's more to this story than backstory, it shows us how the Skrulls are making a costly mistake. Moreso, it shows us that there are even some things that they cannot control or predict; an inherent flaw in their invasion plan. And who knows – sooner or later is looks like it's going to backfire. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Jim Sep 3, 2008

    Not bad. I still am not a big fan of the Avengers as written by Bendis. He does a decent job on the small individual stories but I have not been impressed with his epics. To me a big part of the Avengers is the epic stories. Roy Thomas had his Kree-Skrull War, Steve Englehart his Celestial Madonna series, and Jim Shooter the Korvac Saga. In my opinion, Bendis is better on Spider-Man and other series featuring an individual hero. He seems to be trying for epic with this storyline. The ending of Secret Invasion will tell if it is fondly remembered years from now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Aug 26, 2008

    So again we have a Secret Invasion tie-in that accomplishes more in one issue than the main series has done over the last few. It's not the best of the tie-ins, but it's a good one, providing a few inspired twists and kinks in the Skrull plans. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Aug 27, 2008

    One final point to wrap things up: the more I read of I>Secret Invasion, the less I buy the idea behind the Skrull's newfound power to clone or replecate superheroes almost perfectly, and the less I understand or follow the consistencies of how these clones/replicants operate. The more I think about it, the more the logic of Bendis' story begins to crumble upon itself. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 8, 2008

    The issue is all flashback, adding nothing but character bits for unnamed Skrull footsoldiers, and my review ranking is likewise a flashback. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 27, 2008

    Unless you enjoy a pointless issue that only serves to show how much Bendis hates Hank Pym, there's no reason to pick this up. Read Full Review

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