Superior Spider-Man #27.NOW

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 12, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 28 User Reviews: 22
8.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

"Goblin Nation" #1 (of 5)
•  The so-called Superior Spider-Man has failed. Under his watch, the Green Goblin took control of New York's underworld. This is all Otto Octavius' fault. Now it's his responsibility to take the Goblin down.
•  Win or lose, this shall be Otto's greatest battle. Whatever you do, don't miss the first chapter of the biggest event in the entire Superior Spider-Man Saga!
•  The End starts here. Superior Spider-Man versus... THE GOBLIN NATION!

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Feb 12, 2014

    Superior Spider-Man #27.NOW is a great beginning for what looks to be an epic fall and a war that will usher in the reemergence of Peter Parker as Spider-Man. Slott has been a master at this entire shift from Peter to Ock and now back to Peter and fans should have never doubted his plan from the beginning. Now that Goblin has come face to face with Ock, Spider Island under attack and a new Spider slayer waiting in the wings, Superior Spider-Man is hitting on all cylinders and is more fun than it's ever been. If you haven't jumped on board yet jump on this “point NOW” issue and see what you've been missing. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - jsarrow Feb 13, 2014

    Despite the fact that the penultimate event of the book is slightly predictable by the time it happens it is quickly rectified directly after in a grandiose way that literally makes us say: "whoa". In addition, throughout the entire book Otto's displaced attitude is fun to see and read as he squirms and slowly wriggles his way out this situation that has left him wide open. This story arc (if its the last one for ol' Octavius) is already shaping out to be a great story. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Feb 12, 2014

    *Oh, and the letters page reveals that a new Spider-Man 2099 series is likely in the works for later this year! Hot damn! Dare we dream that Peter David returns to write the character he created two decades ago? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Feb 13, 2014

    Simply put, THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN is on a roll as we rocket toward its endgame. Slott has put so many intriguing pieces in play that you can't help but anxiously await each page turn to see what's next. As the chess game between Otto and the Goblin plays out, we, the readers are the real winners, and I can't wait to see how it all ends. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GoCollect - @TonyTheGamerDad Feb 12, 2014

    Spider-Man mans rejoice as this book has everything that makes the character great. Sharp writing and great art compliment each other so well that you would swear Slott and Camuncoli are the same guy. As I stated above, only a slight burn out on Green Goblin keeps this title from being perfect. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a good read. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Feb 12, 2014

    Overall, Superior Spider-Man #27 finally had Superior Spider-Man and Osborn "meet". This has been something that has been happening in the background for a long time and to see it come to light was very rewarding. Hopefully, the war will continue in the next issue and the action can really begin. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 12, 2014

    Of the regular troupe of Superior artists, Giuseppe Camuncoli was easily the best choice for this arc. His harsher style meshes well with the overall darker tone of "Goblin Nation." In particular, his more sinister portrayal of Green Goblin and his surreal approach to Peter's "mindscape" are just what the series needed at this stage. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Feb 14, 2014

    For all of my hyperbolic praise, let's make no mistake " "Superior Spider-Man" is what it is " a cape comic. But with Dan Slott at the helm and an art team that includes the very best work of Giuseppe Camuncoli, to date, "Superior Spider-Man" is one of the best examples of what cape comics still have to offer in the year 2014. Subversion of genre and character tropes, re-explorations of classic comic book errata, and the best in slam-bang action. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Dan Gvozden Feb 17, 2014

    Superior Spider-Man #27.NOW delivers a wonderful introduction to a story that has been building for year. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Max Level Geek - Jonathan Semoneit Feb 13, 2014

    It's sad to know this is the last arc in theSuperior Spider-Manseries. But it's good to know Peter will be returning soon, and what better way to cap it all off than with a showdown with Goblin Nation? Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 29, 2015

    After all that has happened recently, this is the issue that starts moving us forward to the actual finale of the series. We've had a lot of events going on and the tracks of it all firming up in the previous issue. Now we're seeing the results of it all. With some quieter movements among the supporting cast with Watanabe, seeing what Jameson is going to throw into the mix and more with Octavius and Green Goblin himself, you can feel the momentum really starting to carry forward, which is what makes you want to just burn through the remaining issues as quickly as you can. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Feb 13, 2014

    Seeing how the final chapter of Superior Spider-Man starts, I'm worry at Peter Parker more than ever now. Things are not doing well for Doc Ock, and I can only imagine how bad things well be when Peter Parker finally regain his body. Also, I highly doubt this Green Goblin is Norman Osborn. I guess we will have to wait and find out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 12, 2014

    Goblin Nation Part 1 isn't as good as I expected it to be, but it was still a very solid issue. This has been building up for months, and while a good chunk of the issue revolved around Spidey figuring out how the goblins beat his spiderbots, the issue was bookended with awesomeness. The artwork was incredibly solid, especially in the color department, and overall, it was an incredibly fun read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Feb 12, 2014

    With some very good moments and a rise in terms of scales when it comes to conflicts, this opening issue to the final arc works very well. With some great art yet unexceptional colorization, it is an issue with more strengths than weakness, which makes it quite enjoyable despite some of the lower points. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Feb 19, 2014

    Penciller Guiseppe Camuncoli's art will finish this storyline, which is a bit of a disappointment since previous artist Humberto Ramos' interpretation of the Green Goblin is one of the best. The art is solid, I just feel as though a story concluding this series, with plenty of "Goblin" characters within, would make Ramos the perfect artist for this grand finale. Camuncoli does a fine job though as he packs the panels with action and characters, using an abundance of Spider-Man's supporting characters to fill the pages. Although it's sad to see this series and Otto's run ending, it's going out with a bang that's both exciting and fun to read and watch. Let's hope that Slott gives Otto the ending and exit he deserves as this storyline begins it's wrap up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Feb 13, 2014

    Will Slott and company manage to pull off the classic Spidey epic? Time will tell, but with this opener, Im settling in for a solid conclusion to the Superior era. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flip Geeks - Kyle Francisco Feb 28, 2014

    It's not a bad start " there's enough to look forward to in the next few issues. Let's wait and see how Peter Parker makes it out of this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Ben Silverio Feb 16, 2014

    Now that there are goblins on Spider-Man's front porch, it doesn't look like the action is slowing down any time soon. Our hero will most definitely not be getting any rest before the end of his current series, and the first chapter of this final arc has me hooked to ride the wave all the way to the end. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Hero Nuggets - Val 'Brolossus' Benidze Feb 13, 2014

    All in all, a great issue. Slott loses a point for trying to cram Jay Jonah Jameson into this book. Nothing about Jonah's "scheme" makes me believe his plot device will be used for more than a future plot device for Peter's return. I could be wrong, in which case it should have been expressed in Slott's writing. Great art. Great story. If you weren't already planning on it, I recommend you pick up Superior Spider-Man #27 . Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Feb 13, 2014

    The Goblin War starts off on a high note, as Slott and Camuncoli create the final test for Otto as Spider-Man Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Feb 18, 2014

    As an avid Spider-fan and Slotts's run, I loved this issue. And thank God! I have been waiting for "Goblin Nation" ever since it was hinted at Comic-Con. Plus, when you throw in the additional subplot of Friendly Neighborhood Peter Parker's inevitable return (to which you can thank the new Spidey film for), this issue actually makes a a great jumping-on point for new readers and all fans of the web-slinger alike. I look forward to where this story goes and how the it ends. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Feb 12, 2014

    All in all a good read, but not a great one, especially when compared to the last two stellar issues. This is yet another bridging issue that's more interested in recapping moments to set up future issues than delivering a major advancement in story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 15, 2014

    I liked a lot of what I saw in this issue, and parts of it were great, but it also felt a little more low key than I expected. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Feb 17, 2014

    Goblin Nation is really looking to be one hell of a Spider-Man event, even if all the moving parts don't always make sense. And it's going to be a great final chapter for the Superior Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Feb 12, 2014

    Otto Octavius has always thought of himself as superior to everyone around him, going so far to declare himself as the eradicator of all crime in New York. Now Dan Slott has started to send him crashing back down to earth with the rest of us lowly people just to show him how wrong he is and its been a long time coming. Men, no matter how intelligent or powerful, are not gods nor will we ever be. Otto Ocatvius is about to learn this and I have a feeling that it is going to be a hard-taught lesson. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Feb 14, 2014

    "Superior Spider-Man" #27 leaves a lot of promise for the arc to come, but this story is certainly off to a slow start. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Feb 11, 2014

    Superior Spider-Man #27moves along plot points, and Otto discovers how the Goblin Underground has escaped his sights for so long. Has Otto's narcissism allowed him to be one up'd by the Green Goblin? Plus, Peter continues his saga to recover control of his body. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Feb 13, 2014

    While not exactly recommendable, Superior #27.Now is much better and gives a glimmer of hope for a decent ending to the era of Spidey-Ock. This series started out with a bang, but quickly became the inconsistent and poorly written crapfest that Amazing had become. At least theres another Spider-Man title coming. Read Full Review

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