What If? Age of Ultron #1
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What If? Age of Ultron #1

Writer: Joe Keatinge Artist: Raffaele Ienco Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 2, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
5.2Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

• In Age of Ultron, a time-travelling Wolverine killed Hank Pym before he could create the world-conquering Ultron.
• What would the Marvel Universe look like if another founding Avenger had been killed instead?
• A world without the Wasp brings a world where Hank Pym created an Ultron even more heinous than the one we know!

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Apr 8, 2014

    What If? Age of Ultron number one delivers a solid stand alone story that can be enjoyed on it's own, even though there are four more issues to this series. If you were left feeling a bit unsatisfied with the ending of the original series, then give this issue a shot as it delivers where the other one didn't. If you like this first issue as much as I did, you may be in for the entire 4-issue series to see where this tale might bring us that the original didn't. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Apr 6, 2014

    Overall, 'What If? Age of Ultron' #1 had it's problems, but not nearly as many problems as the original 'Age of Ultron'. Even though it was a super downer, it was an interesting take on the event had things happened a bit differently. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 2, 2014

    Overall, this is far from the worst What If? comic to be published in recent years. Unlike many of these books, Keatinge seemed to have just the right length to tell his story. And the fact that these issues seem to use the Age of Ultron concept as a loose guideline more than a firm origin point may help keep this mini-series interesting. Still, What If? Age of Ultron could quickly grow tedious over the next few weeks. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Apr 7, 2014

    She has something like a cosmic migraine, and keels over mid-sentence. For no reason other than random multi-versal aftershocks of Wolverine's mistake? And the answer, that Pym will become even more of a jerk than usual and make Ultron even worse? Not a good one. Ultron began as Pym's ersatz son, an artificial rolling Oedipus Complex that never got over its primal trauma of existence. It did occasionally fixate on Janet as mother/lover/fetish. The further you get away from the twisted psychological dysfunction connected to this Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Apr 4, 2014

    Ienco does a lot better with the rest of the issue, although he's really not given much to work with beyond a grizzled, unshaven Hank Pym and an admittedly imposing and highly-evolved Ultron. Thankfully, despite being part of a five-part mini-series, "What If? Age of Ultron" #1 is a standalone story, so it's not necessarily representative of what's to come, but it's nonetheless a needless, dull and badly executed effort and a poor choice to kick off a series. Fans who enjoyed "Age of Ultron" will find nothing enjoyable here. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    JBL Reviews Apr 10, 2014

    This issue was intriguing, if not perfect. The dynamic between Hank Pym and Ultron pulled the reader in. I kept wondering where the story would go-in a good way. But I have no idea what to expect for issue 2.

  • 4.0
    seksienvoy Apr 4, 2014

    Ugh...i was dreading this day. Ultron reimagined as a one man show....almost like a terrible one man inner monologue theatre piece. You know the kind I'm talking about, the one's they show for free at the community center. You didn't want to be there, you just came in to use the bathroom but they won't let you leave. I digress from my go nowhere rant, this is really bad. If you want a good Ultron story...read the age of ultron. I'm giving this book a 4/10.

  • 8.0
    Matsuro Dec 5, 2021

  • 6.0
    mrDovydas Apr 6, 2014

  • 5.0
    Martin Mar 9, 2020

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