Deckard's Profile

Joined: Jun 08, 2013

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Deckard reviewed Ms. Marvel #7 Sep 10, 2014

Good conclusion to the story with Wolverine. I really enjoyed the art/design in the one spread detailing the sewer lair system and how Kamala and Wolverine made their way back to the surface. Remains a great, fun read every month.

Ms. Marvel #7

By: G. Willow Wilson, Jake Wyatt
Released: Aug 20, 2014

•  Kamala may be fan-girling out when her favorite (okay maybe Top Five) super hero shows up for some help, but that won't stop her from protecting her hometown.
•  Who is the Inventor, and what does he want with Kamala and all her friends? Maybe Wolvie can be of some help.
•  "If ...

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Deckard reviewed Letter 44 #8 Sep 10, 2014

Decent one shot showing back storying and giving the characters more depth.

Letter 44 #8

By: Charles Soule, Alberto Alburquerque
Released: Jul 23, 2014

Six months into the presidency, President Blades has deployed sci-fi superweapons to end wars in the Middle East, opening him to attacks from all sides, including a Congressman once romantically linked with the First Lady. Meanwhile, in space, as construction on the alien Chandelier is finally completed, the crew of the Clarke will truly understand...

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Deckard rated Lazarus #11 Sep 10, 2014

Lazarus #11

By: Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
Released: Sep 10, 2014

"CONCLAVE," PART ONE. For the first time in the 65 years since they divided the world, the 16 Families are gathering again. For Malcolm Carlyle, it is an opportunity to identify and eliminate his enemies. For Jakob Hock, it is an opportunity to exact for revenge. And for Forever Carlyle, it's the first step in discovering the truth about who sh...

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Deckard rated Lazarus #10 Sep 10, 2014

Lazarus #10

By: Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
Released: Aug 6, 2014

A stand-alone in the critically-acclaimed and New York Times bestselling series, this issue sets the stage for the third arc of LAZARUS, "Conclave." In the wake of his failed attempt to seize control of his Family, Jonah Carlyle ran for his life and straight into the arms of the enemy. But in the embrace of the Bittner and Hock Fam...

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Deckard rated East of West #14 Sep 10, 2014

East of West #14

By: Jonathan Hickman, Nick Dragotta
Released: Jul 30, 2014

WARBOUND. The Endless Nation makes the first cut in the carcass once called America. The Apocalypse marches on in EAST OF WEST #14.

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Deckard rated Prophet #45 Aug 3, 2014

Prophet #45

By: Brandon Graham, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: Jul 30, 2014

The War in Space reaches its climax, but the story will continue...

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Deckard reviewed Supreme: Blue Rose #1 Jul 23, 2014

Interesting first issue. It was enjoyable but it didn't have that one hook that made me want to add it to my pull list. The dialogue was cloudy at first, but cleared up and seemed more nature as the issue went on. I wasn't bothered by the art at all, in fact I quite liked it, although I'm sure it won't be for everyone. If you're curious give it a shot.

Supreme: Blue Rose #1

By: Warren Ellis, Tula Lotay
Released: Jul 23, 2014

You are not dreaming. We are trying to communicate with you. Local reality has been reinstalled. Things have gone wrong. The revision has corrupted. Finding Ethan Crane is your supreme priority. We are speaking to you from the ultimate bunker within the structure of multiversal time. Do not trust Darius Dax. We are all going to die. SUPREME: BLUE R...

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Deckard reviewed Zero #9 Jul 23, 2014

Always keeps your attention with great art and a concise, but powerful dialogue. Love the cover art as well.

Zero #9

By: Ales Kot, Tonci Zonjic
Released: Jul 23, 2014

Bosnia, 1993. Roman Zizek is selling weapons to every faction involved in the conflict.

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Deckard reviewed Spread #1 Jul 11, 2014

Great opening issue. Can't wait to see where this series leads.

Spread #1

By: Justin Jordan, Kyle Strahm
Released: Jul 9, 2014

Ten years ago, we dug too deep. We unleashed something ancient that couldn’t be controlled. Something that couldn’t be stopped, twisting everything it touched into more of itself. The Spread. Humanity was nearly destroyed before we found a way to slow the Spread to a crawl. Now, deep inside the quarantined zone, one man has found the key to sto...

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Deckard reviewed Wildfire #1 Jun 11, 2014

Good first issue. Good set up for the first arc and a conclusion that moves well into next month.

Wildfire #1

By: Matt Hawkins, Linda Sejic
Released: Jun 11, 2014

Is genetically modified food an end to world hunger or a first class ticket to the apocalypse? Dan Miller is a plant biologist working with a small team perfecting an accelerated plant growth process. When things go wrong, Los Angeles pays the price in a disaster story unlike any before.

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Deckard rated Caliban #3 Jun 6, 2014

Caliban #3

By: Garth Ennis, Facundo Percio
Released: Jun 4, 2014

GARTH ENNIS has created a science fiction horror story that grabs you and rips a black hole in your chest while reading.  The crew of the Caliban is dying.  When an alien ship melded with their vessel in hyperspace, it unleashed something long forgotten from the darkest and coldest corners of the universe.  Creeping fl...

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Deckard reviewed The Superannuated Man #1 Jun 4, 2014

This is a very...interesting first issue. The premise is unique but there isn't any bigger picture provided throughout the comic, which makes it a little harder to be interested in the story. I will say that the characters use interesting language and certainly aren't cookie cutter in any way, but they still lack depth. This lack of depth, overarching plot and little information provided about the more

The Superannuated Man #1

By: Ted McKeever
Released: Jun 4, 2014

From the critically acclaimed creator of MINIATURE JESUS.

By the time most people realized it, they were no longer in charge of the world we know. In an unspecified future, the small seaside town of Blackwater has now been taken over by advanced and mutated animals. Most of the humans that lived there are now either dead or gone, but one o...

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Deckard reviewed Prophet #44 Jun 4, 2014

A mind blowing issue to lead up to the finale. Really sad that this series is coming to an end with only a possible mini series left, but it's been an amazing run and the use of vast scale and time as well as fantastic art makes sure that this series will finish as one of the best in some time.

Prophet #44

By: Brandon Graham, Dave Taylor
Released: May 21, 2014

The war between the Old Man and the Empire reaches new heights when Badrock returns.

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Deckard reviewed Five Ghosts #12 Jun 4, 2014

Another excellent issue in this story. Amazing art and action sequences as well as a foreboding epilogue make this another great read.

Five Ghosts #12

By: Frank J. Barbiere, Chris Mooneyham
Released: Jun 4, 2014

"LOST COASTLINES," Conclusion In the midst of a battle against his greatest foe, Fabian is faced with an impossible decision! Who will survive the Island of Dreams?

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Deckard reviewed The Wake #9 Jun 4, 2014

I enjoyed this issue better than last month's, but it still feels lacking in any sort of serious story development in what is the penultimate issue in the mini series. The art is very good as usual and there is plenty of action, but the 2nd half of the story still hasn't climaxed after 4 issues. I have a bad feeling that the major developments in the story are going to feel rushed in the final iss more

The Wake #9

By: Scott Snyder, Sean Murphy
Released: Jun 4, 2014

A post-apocalyptic USA only partially above sea level, a country overrun by corrupt leaders fearful of horrific mermaids, a voice dredged up from the deep, dark past how will all these factors tie together in the acclaimed miniseries by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy? Will Leeward discover something more to the life she knows out across the vast oce...

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Deckard reviewed Deadly Class #5 Jun 1, 2014

This series just keeps getting better and better. The art is fantastic, especially when portraying Marcus' visual perceptions while on his trip. I'm almost a bit surprised with how excellent the story is as well. The first few issues were very good, but these past two have really raised the bar.

Deadly Class #5

By: Rick Remender, Wes Craig
Released: May 28, 2014

In the throes of a horrible acid trip, Marcus's grip on reality slips, casting him into the depths of his own past. A past filled with blood and ash. What dark secrets is he hiding? And will he have time to face them before one of the killers out for his blood puts a knife in his heart?

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Deckard reviewed Trees #1 May 29, 2014

Really intriguing first issue that sets up a bunch of different story lines to be expanded upon in the future. Very interested in this title going forward.

Trees #1

By: Warren Ellis, Jason Howard
Released: May 28, 2014

Ten years after they landed. All over the world. And they did nothing, standing on the surface of the Earth like trees, exerting their silent pressure on the world, as if there were no-one here and nothing under foot. Ten years since we learned that there is intelligent life in the universe, but that they did not recognize us as intelligent or aliv...

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Deckard reviewed Ms. Marvel #4 May 29, 2014

Simply put this series has quickly turned into one of the best comics out there. Very intriguing characters and personalities supported by some very good art and in this issue we're finally getting a glimpse of the first real villain arc that will challenge Kamala. Can't wait for the next issue.

Ms. Marvel #4

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: May 28, 2014

• Marvel's breakout hit, Ms. Marvel, continues as Kamala Khan discovers the dangers of her newfound powers.
•  And unlocks a secret behind them as well.
•  Don't miss the boldest (and adorable-est!) hero to make her Marvel debut!

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Deckard reviewed Southern Bastards #2 May 29, 2014

Very good second issue. Art continues to be a strength and the ending makes me want to jump right into the next issue.

Southern Bastards #2

By: Jason Aaron, Jason Latour
Released: May 28, 2014

It's Friday night in Craw County, Alabama. Which means Coach Euless Boss is walking the sidelines like a god. And somebody is fixin' to die.

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Deckard rated Zero #8 May 22, 2014

Zero #8

By: Ales Kot, Jorge Coelho
Released: May 21, 2014

The Mexico event sets off a brutal change. Cooke is hunted. The killers are prepared. Zero approaches.

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Deckard rated The Mercenary Sea #4 May 21, 2014

The Mercenary Sea #4

By: Kel Symons, Mathew Reynolds
Released: May 21, 2014

Stranded in a Chinese fishing village, Jack and company must rescue the British spy "Top Hat," who's been captured by Japanese soldiers.

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Deckard rated Caliban #2 May 17, 2014

Caliban #2

By: Garth Ennis, Facundo Percio
Released: May 14, 2014

Horror in space has never been more terrifying than when told by master storyteller GARTH ENNIS and Fashion Beast artist FACUNDO PERCIO!  No one imagined it possible, there is no other life in the universe outside of humanity.  But an accident in hyperspace has forced the crew of the Caliban into accepting that simple is not tru...

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Deckard reviewed Caliban #1 May 14, 2014

Very good first issue. Good characters and art, and introduces a world and problems that make me want to read more. There were a few clumsy dialogue transitions between panels, but nothing too major. Definitely looking forward to the next few issues and what comes of the events in this first issue.

Caliban #1

By: Garth Ennis, Facundo Percio
Released: Apr 2, 2014

Master storyteller GARTH ENNIS and Fashion Beast artist FACUNDO PERCIO team up to deliver a haunting new epic of science fiction horror.  The crew of the Caliban travels hyperspace on nothing more than a routine trip for the giant vessel.  Just human beings that have been inside a bit too long, confident of no other life in the Galaxy, and all ...

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Deckard rated Shutter #2 May 14, 2014

Shutter #2

By: Joe Keatinge, Leila Del Luca
Released: May 14, 2014

Kate Kristopher has been kidnapped by a robot, a few rat kids in cute outfits and a bunch of ninja ghosts. Luckily the NYPD pursues them in their flying saucers. Everything goes horribly wrong. Death happens.

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Deckard reviewed Hellboy in Hell #6 May 14, 2014

It's funny to me that some that are giving this issue a lower grade loved #5, and when I first read #5 I thought it was a mediocre installment. It wasn't until I read it a 2nd time that I really enjoyed it. This issue seems to have given opposite impression. - - I really enjoyed the interaction and the characters ever shifting appearances as well and some of the grim descriptions and thoughts to H more

Hellboy in Hell #6

By: Mike Mignola
Released: May 14, 2014

Hellboy revisits an old vampire acquaintance in the bowels of Hell.

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Deckard reviewed The Woods #1 May 11, 2014

I really enjoyed this first issue. Good art and some of the questions created in this issue make me want to read this for at least a few more issues to get a better understanding of the story and mystery surrounding it.

The Woods #1

By: James Tynion IV, Michael Dialynas
Released: May 7, 2014

WHY WE LOVE IT: As fans of James Tynion IV's work in the Batman universe (BATMAN ETERNAL, RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS), we were eager to publish his first original comic series. Plus, THE WOODS gives us that same eerie, small-town horror feel we get whenever we read a Stephen King novel.

WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: If you're fan of teen conspiracy co...

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Deckard reviewed Dead Letters #2 May 7, 2014

This is an exciting read with fantastic art. I love the way panels flow into each other and how the action is depicted. One of those books that really needs to be read in hand to appreciate the art and printing.

Dead Letters #2

By: Christopher Sebela, Chris Visions
Released: May 7, 2014

After his harrowing first day in the city only known as "Here," Sam Whistler finds himself
in the employ of the Big Man himself, tasked with infiltrating the two rival gangs warring
for control over the abandoned domain.

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Deckard reviewed The Wake #8 May 7, 2014

Unfortunately, this series, like Trilium, has fizzled a bit. Since it was one of the best books going early on, that still means it's a good read, but the story hasn't been as strong in the last two issues. The art is still great and the world is exciting, but I don't feel connected to any of the characters other than Leeward.
I'm hoping that this is more of a building issue that leads us int more

The Wake #8

By: Scott Snyder, Sean Murphy
Released: May 7, 2014

They say dont go in the ocean. There are monsters out there. Terrible secrets in the deep. But Leeward isnt scared of any of that, because the thing shes running from on land is much, much worse

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Deckard reviewed Southern Bastards #1 May 2, 2014

Great first issue. I loved the back and forth sequence towards the end where the man is being beaten and Earl is chopping the tree down. Looking forward to reading this for the next 4-5 months at least.

Southern Bastards #1

By: Jason Aaron, Jason Latour
Released: Apr 30, 2014

Welcome to Craw County, Alabama, home of Boss BBQ, the state champion Runnin' Rebs football team...and more bastards than you've ever seen. When you're an angry old man like Earl Tubb, the only way to survive a place like to carry a really big stick. From the acclaimed team of JASON AARON and JASON LATOUR, the same bastards who brought y...

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Deckard reviewed Shutter #1 May 1, 2014

Interesting first issue. Nothing amazing but I might pick up the 2nd just to see where they go with it.

Shutter #1

By: Joe Keatinge, Leila Del Duca
Released: Apr 9, 2014

Marvel Knights: Hulk and GLORY writer JOE KEATINGE teams up with artist extraordinaire LEILA DEL DUCA for her Image Comics debut in an all-new ongoing series combining the urban fantasy of Fables and the globe-spanning adventure of Y: The Last Man. Kate Kristopher, once the most famous explorer of an Earth fa...

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