WakiingDeadPool's Profile

Joined: Aug 07, 2018

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Deadpool: Assassin #1

By: Cullen Bunn, Mark Bagley
Released: Jun 13, 2018

The Regeneratin' Degenerate and his old pal Weasel are back, and they're imposing their special brand of justice on any other killers for hire who don't live up to their moral code - starting with a dangerous operation that'll take Deadpool into the heart of a castle filled with ninja...WHO WILL STAB DEADPOOL MULTIPLE TIMES IN THIS ISSUE! Ouch! And...

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WakiingDeadPool added Deadpool: Assassin to their pull list Aug 7, 2018

Deadpool: Assassin

The Regeneratin' Degenerate and his old pal Weasel are back, and they're imposing their special brand of justice on any other killers for hire who don't live up to their moral code - starting with a dangerous operation that'll take Deadpool into the heart of a castle filled with ninja...WHO WILL STAB DEADPOOL MULTIPLE TIMES IN THIS ISSUE! Ouch! And...

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