Orcam03's Profile

Joined: Sep 22, 2018

Recent Activity

Orcam03 added Suicide Squad (2019) to their pull list Mar 25, 2020

Suicide Squad (2019)

Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...

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Orcam03 dropped New Mutants (2019) from their pull list Mar 25, 2020

New Mutants (2019)

The classic New Mutants (Sunspot, Wolfsbane, Mirage, Karma, Magik, and Cypher) get together with a few new friends (Chamber, Mondo) to seek out their missing member and share the good news... a mission that takes them into space alongside the Starjammers!
Rated T+  

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Orcam03 dropped Captain America (2018) from their pull list Mar 25, 2020

Captain America (2018)

For over 70 years, he has stood in stalwart defense of our country and its people. But in the aftermath of Hydra's takeover of the nation, Captain America is a figure of controversy, carrying a tarnished shield...and a new enemy is rising!
Who are the Power Elite? And how do they intend to co-opt and corrupt the sy...

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Orcam03 added Thor (2020) to their pull list Jan 7, 2020

Thor (2020)

The prince is now a king. All Asgard lies before Thor, the God of Thunder. And after many months of war, the Ten Realms are finally at peace. But the skies above the Realm Eternal are never clear for long. The Black Winter is coming. And the God of the Storm w...

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Orcam03 added Deadpool (2019) to their pull list Nov 20, 2019

Deadpool (2019)

Deadpool's newest mercenary job has him going after the King of Monsters, who has claimed a new kingdom for his monstrous subjects...on Staten Island! But you know what they say, when you come at the king, you better not miss! The Merc with a Mouth finds himself neck deep in political intrigue, monster law, and a monster hunter out for blood! It's ...

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Orcam03 added New Mutants (2019) to their pull list Nov 5, 2019

New Mutants (2019)

The classic New Mutants (Sunspot, Wolfsbane, Mirage, Karma, Magik, and Cypher) get together with a few new friends (Chamber, Mondo) to seek out their missing member and share the good news... a mission that takes them into space alongside the Starjammers!
Rated T+  

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Orcam03 added X-Men (2019) to their pull list Oct 15, 2019

X-Men (2019)

The X-Men find themselves in a whole new world of possibility... and things have never been better! Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X, SECRET WARS) and superstar artist Leinil Yu (NEW AVENGERS, CAPTAIN AMERICA) reveal the saga of Cyclops and his hand-picked squad of mutant powerhouses!
Rated T+  

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Orcam03 added House of X to their pull list Aug 19, 2019

House of X

FACE THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (SECRET WARS, AVENGERS, FANTASTIC FOUR) takes the reins of the X-Men universe! Since the release of Uncanny X-Men #1, there have been four seminal moments in the history of the X-Men. Giant-Sized X-Men. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse. New X-Men. Four iconic series that introduced a new era for Marvel's m...

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Orcam03 added Powers of X to their pull list Aug 19, 2019

Powers of X

FEAR THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (INFINTY, NEW AVENGERS, FF) continues his revolutionary new direction for the X-Men. Intertwining with HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X reveals the secret past, present  and  future of mutantkind, changing the way you look at every X-Men story before and after. You do not want to miss the next seminal m...

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Orcam03 dropped Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) from their pull list Aug 19, 2019

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018)

Balancing his normal life, school, parents, etc...and super-heroing has never been easy, but when the Rhino and a cadre of mysterious criminals start plaguing Brooklyn, things take a dark turn. And Miles doesn't even know the half of it yet. Eisner Award-winner Saladin Ahmed (BLACK BOLT) and Young Gun Javier Garr n (ANT-MAN & THE WASP) bring you th...

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Orcam03 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #20 Apr 25, 2019

Great twist in this issue, its definitely better than the first half of this event. I loved Black Cats hero moment, im excited to see the showdown between Spidey and Kraven(wether its young, old or both). And im excited to see wether the Centepede will play a bigger role, since we didnt see him in this issue.

Amazing Spider-Man #20

By: Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos
Released: Apr 24, 2019

•  The big showdown begins. Spider-Man vs. Kraven. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
•  If this is like past Kraven stories, you know it's not going to go how you THINK it's going to go.
Rated T

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Orcam03 reviewed Avengers #18 Apr 25, 2019

I thought this was a great issue, i loved the twist and really enjoyed these characters and story. I look forward to seeing how their story will play out after the War of the Realms is over.

Avengers #18

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: Apr 24, 2019

See the greatest heroes of Washington, D.C., in action as the War of the Realms comes to the nation's capital. Who needs the Avengers when you've got the all-new Squadron Supreme of America? But who are these mysterious new heroes, and where did they come from? Only Agent Coulson knows.
Rated T+

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Orcam03 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #18 Apr 3, 2019

Great continuation to Hunted, its really starting to have weight, which i really like. I also fucking loved the cliffhanger at the end and am really freaking excited for the role that will play in the issues to come.

Amazing Spider-Man #18

By: Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos
Released: Mar 27, 2019

•  Kraven's plan begins to unfold in CENTRAL PARK!
•  He lets the prey loose and the hunt begins.
•  But Kraven isn't the hunter this time. Who has Spider-Man in their crosshairs?!
Rated T

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Orcam03 added Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) to their pull list Mar 25, 2019

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018)

Balancing his normal life, school, parents, etc...and super-heroing has never been easy, but when the Rhino and a cadre of mysterious criminals start plaguing Brooklyn, things take a dark turn. And Miles doesn't even know the half of it yet. Eisner Award-winner Saladin Ahmed (BLACK BOLT) and Young Gun Javier Garr n (ANT-MAN & THE WASP) bring you th...

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Orcam03 added Champions (2019) to their pull list Mar 12, 2019

Champions (2019)

The Champions have gone global! The team has seen explosive growth under Ms. Marvel's leadership, with super-powered members ready to answer the call in a dozen different countries. They're saving people and improving lives across the planet while they inspire the next gene...

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I freaking loved this. I thought Ta-Nehisi did a really greta job with Steve, this feels like a more introspective book, most of the dialogue is thought boxes. The fights in here were fun and engaging. The reveal towards the end is also really good. I'm thoroughly enjoying this.

Captain America Vol. 1: Winter In America

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leinil Francis Yu

It's winter in America! For more than 70 years, Captain America has stood in stalwart defense of our country and its people. But in the aftermath of Hydra's takeover of the nation, Cap is a figure of controversy, carrying a tarnished shield - and a new enemy is rising! Distrusted by a nation that seems to have lost faith in him, and facing threats ...

Orcam03 reviewed Avengers Vol. 1: Final Host Feb 26, 2019

I really like what Aaron and McGuiness are doing on this book, Ghost Rider is the stand out character for sure, but everyone else is written well. I thought Loki's threat was a good reason to bring back the avengers. The actions scenes were cool and interesting. This is just overall a really good book that is worth picking up.

Avengers Vol. 1: Final Host

By: Jason Aaron, Sara Pichelli

A new era for Earth's Mightiest Heroes! Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. Thor Odinson. The big three are reunited at last - and just in time to save the world from the 2,000-foot-tall space gods known as the Celestials! Behold the coming of the Final Host! But who will answer the call as a new team of Avengers assembles? As Black Panther and Doctor Strang...

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I thought this was better than the first volume. The art by Humberto Ramos i thought was very good. The character not only on spider-man, but also his supporting was exquisite. I really, really enjoyed this. Pick it up if you can.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2: Friends and Foes

By: Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos

Peter Parker's putting his life back together - but everyone around him keeps threatening to throw it into chaos! Exhibit one: Boomerang. Wondering when Fred Myers' status as Pete's roommate would blow up? Right now! When Boomerang and Spider-Man walk into a bar, it's no laughing matter - because it's the Bar With No Name, and it's full of villains...

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Very good first arc that understands spider-man very well. Ottley's art is amazing and the colors just pop. Its quite funny at times and always entertaining. I strongly recommend this.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1: Back To Basics

By: Nick Spencer, Ryan Ottley

It's a new beginning for the Amazing Spider-Man! Peter Parker's life is turned upside down when a revelation from the past puts his job, relationships and whole life in jeopardy! And as if that's not enough, Spidey must deal with an alien invasion (with a mysterious twist), a new roommate (who's secretly the villainous Boomerang), new wrinkles in h...

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Orcam03 reviewed Avengers #15 Feb 20, 2019

I think this is really fun and cool storyline. Im liking Blades integration, although he wasn't too prevalent in this issue. Dracula's conversation with Tony with was really cool and I hope it actually has some consequences on him. Overall a good issue

Avengers #15

By: Jason Aaron, David Marquez
Released: Feb 20, 2019

Dracula forges unholy alliances from his prison cell. Ghost Rider goes berserk. The Shadow Colonel and his new Legion of the Unliving raise bloody hell all over the globe. It's a good thing the Avengers just added a startling new member to the team.
Rated T+

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Orcam03 reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #2 Feb 20, 2019

I really enjoyed this. The art was great. I thought it was really funny at times, especially the Groot and Cosmic Ghost Rider battle. The new team introduced seem like its gonna make a fun rivalry. I really hope the character shown at the end joins the team. Overall im just really hyped for whats to come.

Guardians of the Galaxy #2

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Feb 20, 2019

• Thanos is dead... Long live the NEW Thanos!
•  But who will it be?!
•  Will the new Guardians of the Galaxy find that person in time before the universe comes crashing down?
Rated T+

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Orcam03 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #15 Feb 20, 2019

I really liked this issue and its art, and am very excited for the Hunted story to come. Although, since Kraven is going after animal based heroes and villains, does that mean Kraven will betray Black Ant. Cant wait to see it start soon

Amazing Spider-Man #15

By: Nick Spencer, Chris Bachalo
Released: Feb 13, 2019

• Aunt May is in danger and only Spider-Man can help her...
•  ...You think you know where a story like this is going, but you DON'T.
•  Because Taskmaster and Black Ant are on the scene, and they don't have a problem with collateral damage.
Rated T

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Orcam03 dropped Star Wars (2014) from their pull list Feb 11, 2019

Star Wars (2014)

Luke Skywalker and the ragtag band of rebels fighting against the Galactic Empire are fresh off their biggest victory yet-the destruction of the massive battle station known as the Death Star. But the Empire's not toppled yet! Join Luke along with Princess Leia, smugglers Han Solo and ...

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Orcam03 dropped Justice League (2018) from their pull list Feb 11, 2019

Justice League (2018)

"THE TOTALITY" part one! A brand-new era begins here! Comics legends Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung launch the Justice League into a cosmos-shaking mystery that will draw out their most terrible foes...in ways our heroes couldn't possibly imagine! In this debut issue, Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will sh...

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Orcam03 added Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) to their pull list Feb 11, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019)

The universe is on fire. Hundreds of worlds are at war. Never has there been such hatred and division across the cosmos. And in spite of all this, Thanos of Titan is still dead...or is he? Now, more than ever, the cosmos need the Guardians of the Galaxy...but in the aftermath of the Infinity Wars, who is left to answer the call? ...

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Orcam03 added Daredevil (2019) to their pull list Feb 11, 2019

Daredevil (2019)

Rated T+

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Orcam03 reviewed Daredevil #1 Feb 11, 2019

I really loved this, the art was amazing, the story seems to have resemblances to DD season 3, in the fact that its going to go deep into Matt's mind, looking at his crime fighting as an addiction and not as being good for the sake of being good. It also seems like its gonna focus on his religion, which i dont mind either. Honestly just pick this up, its amazing and its definitely going to be seri more

Daredevil #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Feb 6, 2019

Rated T+

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Orcam03 reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #1 Feb 11, 2019

Donny Cates is really on roll nowadays. Guardians really does not disappoint, the premise is ingenious, having Thanos transfer his consciousness into somebody and then have the characters go on a goose chase to find and kill that person. The new team is really cool, im looking forward to seeing their dynamic. I really hope Cates just goes insane with this and gives the most awesome shit possible.

Guardians of the Galaxy #1

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Jan 23, 2019

The universe is on fire. Hundreds of worlds are at war. Never has there been such hatred and division across the cosmos. And in spite of all this, Thanos of Titan is still dead...or is he? Now, more than ever, the cosmos need the Guardians of the Galaxy...but in the aftermath of the Infinity Wars, who is left to answer the call? ...

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Orcam03 reviewed Avengers #14 Feb 11, 2019

Fun start to a Vampire v Avengers arc, its just sad that this will be pretty small since War of the Realms is starting on issue 17 i think. The art was good, the new villain is really badass, Blade is a really cool addition, Ghost Rider is getting more of the spotlight and im not complaining, excited for whats to come.

Avengers #14

By: Jason Aaron, David Marquez
Released: Feb 6, 2019

TRANSYLVANIA IS BURNING! As vampire civil war throws the world into chaos, the mysterious Shadow Colonel and his squad of undead revolutionaries have one burning question on their murderous minds: Where is Dracula? And if the Avengers find him first, will the lord of the damned be friend or foe?
Rated T+

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Orcam03 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #14 Feb 11, 2019

I absolutely adore Chris Bachalo's art in this book, its outstanding. The story was pretty good and flowed well with the art, i really like this personnal take that Spencer is doing with these characters, the action is always it bit toned down for introspective writting about these characters, these next few issues seem to focusing on aunt May, im assuming its gonna end well, since Hunted is start more

Amazing Spider-Man #14

By: Nick Spencer, Chris Bachalo
Released: Jan 30, 2019

• You know what's annoying? Having to save J. Jonah Jameson's life.
•  Sure, he's been on Spidey's side for a little while, but that's after YEARS of him making Spider-Man's life a living heck.
•  I feel like this amount of responsibility should come with even more power.
•  Anyway,...

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