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Joined: Oct 15, 2020

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Dylan rated Seven Secrets #5 Dec 9, 2020

Seven Secrets #5

By: Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Dec 9, 2020

* Caspar has been training all his life for this moment - but he never expected an all-out war like this.
* As enemy forces converge on The Order, lives will be shattered by the truths that are revealed...
* ...and a shocking decision by The Order to protect The Secrets from an enemy who will stop at nothing to change the world.

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maelstron reviewed Marauders #15 Nov 11, 2020

what a complete joke of a event. The cliffhanger was just a fake and some relly dumb jokes.

Marauders #15

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Nov 11, 2020

A toast. A dance. A dinner served: Part II

Rated T+

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maelstron reviewed Excalibur #14 Nov 11, 2020

So much for a fight and it lats 2 pages. LOL

Excalibur #14

By: Tini Howard, Phil Noto
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Two swords. Two cups. Two must answer.

Rated T+

Dylan reviewed Excalibur #14 Nov 11, 2020

XoS just gets worse.
i love Tini's Excalibur but that issue i just cant swallow. The art is good but just that.

Excalibur #14

By: Tini Howard, Phil Noto
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Two swords. Two cups. Two must answer.

Rated T+

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Hellblazer reviewed Punchline #1 Nov 10, 2020

PUNCHLINE is basically a teenage version of Harley Quinn(a tab crazier though) who idolise anarchy. The good part of the story was definitely her blogs which gave a comprehensible insight on how she became enamoured with the Joker and above-all, that part of characterisation came in the first issue itself. However that was it as the story did not really got me interested. We could even find that more

Punchline #1

By: Sam Johns, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Nov 11, 2020

Spinning out of the pages of “The Joker War” comes the first solo book starring the blockbuster new character Punchline. As she faces the consequences for her role in “The Joker War,” the story of how Alexis Kaye became Punchline will take Leslie Thompkins, Harper Row, and Cullen Row on a harrowing journey that reveals a fringe teenager’s...

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Dylan reviewed Seven Secrets #4 Nov 11, 2020

story well written, captivating, fun and well drawned.


Seven Secrets #4

By: Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Nov 11, 2020

* Caspar has completed his training, but now the real test begins as The Order is under attack by an enemy desperate to take control of the Seven Secrets and reshape the world in their image.
* But as the Holders and Keepers come together to fight back, it may turn out they've played right into the enemy's hands...

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Dylan rated X-Men #14 Nov 5, 2020

X-Men #14

By: Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Nov 4, 2020

The Lovers. A Garden. A chasm of secrets.

Rated T+

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Double Down reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #2 Oct 2, 2020

Still Boring.

Story: 2/10
Art: 6/10
Overall: 3/10

Story: I'm going to give this the exact same score as last time, because... I don't know what else to do!

I read the issue, okay, interesting enough, sort of... but nothing really happens.
This would be great if I knew this was going to play out for 10 or 12 issues, but isn't this only 3 issues long? more

Batman: Three Jokers #2

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Sep 30, 2020

As Batman and Batgirl follow an unexpected thread linking the three Jokers with someone from the Dark Knight’s past, Red Hood dives headfirst into trouble and finds himself struggling to stay afloat without the aid of his allies.
Batman: Three Jokers continues its trajectory as the ultimate examination of The Joker and his never-ending con...

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Double Down - Oct 4, 2020

What else do I want to happen? Typically with a 3 book arc like these I expect more activity, plot development in shorter points. A good series I love to reference is Batman Year One by FM. This story arc is paced more as a 12 parter

Mikeland - Oct 13, 2020

Agreed, this was my feeling too. John's is still writing at doomsday clock pace, but this only has 1/4 of the issues.

Dylan rated Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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