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Joined: May 23, 2021

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KittyNone reviewed X-Men Blue: Origins #1 Nov 29, 2023

Once upon a time X-Men was written by a legend who worked under a regime who asserted that homosexuality did not exist in the Marvel universe but who were, as bigots often are, too dense to see queercoding happening right under their noses (like constantly). Later, the gap left by unfulfilled ambitions was by a writer who is also legendary, but in a bad way. And now that history has come to a poin more

X-Men Blue: Origins #1

By: Si Spurrier, Wilton Santos
Released: Nov 29, 2023

This is the one you can't miss, True Believer! You think you know how the beloved blue devil came into this troubled world? You think you know the tale of his mendacious mamma Mystique? You don't! Mother and son reunite in a mold-shattering tale that exposes secrets held for decades and redefines both ...

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derbycomics reviewed X-Men Blue: Origins #1 Dec 1, 2023

I can’t deny there are some pretty powerful panels in the issue, especially Mystique’s thoughts on what the true lines of binary division, but there are still some problematic elements. What was the team thinking using an annoying Bamf character as the narrator? Did Spurrier really feel like the issue needed a layer of humor to balance the poignant tone of the rest of the story? If so, he fail more

X-Men Blue: Origins #1

By: Si Spurrier, Wilton Santos
Released: Nov 29, 2023

This is the one you can't miss, True Believer! You think you know how the beloved blue devil came into this troubled world? You think you know the tale of his mendacious mamma Mystique? You don't! Mother and son reunite in a mold-shattering tale that exposes secrets held for decades and redefines both ...

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cincyfan reviewed X-Men Blue: Origins #1 Dec 2, 2023

Wow! What a absolute triumph of a book. I have been reading comic books since the early '90's and love it now more than ever. Stories like this steeped in emotion with beautiful character moments and heart really reinforce my love for these stories. What a amazing read this was I wish I could score it higher than 10

X-Men Blue: Origins #1

By: Si Spurrier, Wilton Santos
Released: Nov 29, 2023

This is the one you can't miss, True Believer! You think you know how the beloved blue devil came into this troubled world? You think you know the tale of his mendacious mamma Mystique? You don't! Mother and son reunite in a mold-shattering tale that exposes secrets held for decades and redefines both ...

Nikita14 reviewed X-Men Blue: Origins #1 Dec 6, 2023

I really love the idea behind nightcrawlers lineage. There are just certain elements of the story that annoy me too much to really enjoy, especially with the price of the comic.

1: It is heavily reliant on the narration it left me feeling spoon-fed (Could there have been a way to make it less exposition dumpy?).

2: Certain dialogue felt flowery such as "...nihilism and the il more

X-Men Blue: Origins #1

By: Si Spurrier, Wilton Santos
Released: Nov 29, 2023

This is the one you can't miss, True Believer! You think you know how the beloved blue devil came into this troubled world? You think you know the tale of his mendacious mamma Mystique? You don't! Mother and son reunite in a mold-shattering tale that exposes secrets held for decades and redefines both ...

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fzanca reviewed Fantastic Four #4 Feb 17, 2023

I'm not buying any of this story. Reed was able to send eight hands into the Baxter Bldg to create and program the device without seeing what he was doing -- yet he couldn't have pulled the kids through the window? It just doesn't make any sense. It seems completely contrived just so the plot of the kids not being around could happen. Why is that important in a Fantastic Four book? They are about more

Fantastic Four #4

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Feb 15, 2023

No more four-shadowing: What REALLY happened back in New York is finally revealed! But it's still affecting matters here in the present, where Ben and Alicia's lives hang in the balance... and it'll take more than a reunion to save them. Plus: alien invaders from another galaxy! The four are finally ba...

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Nikita14 read Traveling to Mars #1 Dec 29, 2022

Traveling to Mars #1

By: Mark Russell, Roberto Meli
Released: Nov 9, 2022

From two-time Eisner and Harvey Award nominee Mark Russell and hot new talent Roberto Meli comes a compelling new sci-fi series...
Traveling to Mars tells the story of former pet store manager Roy Livingston, the first human to ever set foot on Mars. Roy was chosen for this unlikely mission for one simple reason: he is terminally ill and there...

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Nikita14 read Traveling to Mars #2 Dec 29, 2022

Traveling to Mars #2

By: Mark Russell, Roberto Meli
Released: Dec 21, 2022

From Eisner award-winner Mark Russell and hot new talent Roberto Meli comes a compelling new sci-if series...

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The Riddler: Year One #2

By: Paul Dano, Stevan Subic
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Writer Paul Dano continues the origin tale of the character he portrayed in Matt Reeves's The Batman. As brilliant forensic accountant Edward Nashton follows the trail of illegal payments and front companies, holding on to his own sanity becomes ever more challenging. Disturbing childhood memories that include an obsession with Thomas Wayne threate...

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The Riddler: Year One #1

By: Paul Dano, Stevan Subic
Released: Oct 26, 2022

As depicted in Matt Reeves's hit movie The Batman, the Riddler wasn't simply an amusing eccentric with an affinity for wordplay and baffling clues, but as terrifying a villain as any in the annals of the Dark Knight. Here you can see Edward Nashton evolve into the menace known as the Riddler. How did an unknown forensic accountant uncover the dark ...

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Nikita14 rated GCPD: The Blue Wall #3 Dec 29, 2022

GCPD: The Blue Wall #3

By: John Ridley, Stefano Raffaele
Released: Dec 21, 2022

A high-profile criminal operation is foiled by the GCPD, and in the eyes of Commissioner Renee Montoya, there’s only one suspect worth investigating: the murderous gangster known as Two-Face. But every report appears to show that Harvey is back on the straight and narrow. Is the duplicitous former villain once again leading a double life? Or are ...

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Nikita14 read I Am Batman #15 Nov 17, 2022

I Am Batman #15

By: John Ridley, Karl Mostert
Released: Nov 9, 2022

A Dark Crisis tie-in issue! When Jon Kent first asked Jace Fox to join the new Justice League, the answer was a firm no. But as Deathstroke and the Legion of Doom hunt the heroes of the DCU Jace learns the hard way that there are some fights from which Batman cannot run, and the only thing he has to fear itself!

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Nikita14 rated GCPD: The Blue Wall #2 Nov 17, 2022

GCPD: The Blue Wall #2

By: John Ridley, Stefano Raffaele
Released: Nov 16, 2022

GCPD Commissioner Renee Montoya makes an unpleasant discovery about one of her newest recruits that spirals out further and further, making upholding the law in a city like Gotham even harder than it usually is. Meanwhile Officer Wells tries to give stability and security to his parolees...but things seem destined not to work out for the heavily bu...

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Nikita14 read I Am Batman #14 Oct 20, 2022

I Am Batman #14

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: Oct 19, 2022

The mystery of a pair of brutal murders is solved, a hero is born, and a mantle is passed. The conclusion of the intense "She Got Next" saga will reverberate from New York all the way back to Gotham City as it sets up the next chapters for both Jace Fox and Renee Montoya.

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Nikita14 added GCPD: The Blue Wall (2022) to their pull list Oct 20, 2022

GCPD: The Blue Wall (2022)

Still relatively early in her tenure as GCPD commissioner, Renee Montoya sets out to rebuild her department and restore public faith in the historically troubled PD during some of the worst conditions it's ever seen. But Renee can't do it alone-in order for her plan to work, everyone from the topmost officials all the way down to the most fresh-fac...

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Nikita14 read GCPD: The Blue Wall #1 Oct 20, 2022

GCPD: The Blue Wall #1

By: John Ridley, Stefano Raffaele
Released: Oct 19, 2022

Still relatively early in her tenure as GCPD commissioner, Renee Montoya sets out to rebuild her department and restore public faith in the historically troubled PD during some of the worst conditions it's ever seen. But Renee can't do it alone-in order for her plan to work, everyone from the topmost officials all the way down to the most fresh-fac...

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Batman: One Bad Day: The Penguin #1

By: John Ridley, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Oct 19, 2022

The Penguin's criminal enterprise and the Iceberg Lounge have been stolen from underneath him by his former associate the Umbrella Man. The Umbrella Man has removed all of the rules for crime in Gotham City that the Penguin put in place, and the city is in chaos. The Penguin is a broken man, and he'll have to travel through the burning streets of G...

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KittyNone reviewed Superman: Space Age #2 Sep 29, 2022

Huh. I really can't make up my mind about this one, and suspect my feelings will be clearer when I've read the full series. On the one hand, I loved the portrayal of Clark & Lois's romance, which is perfect end-to-end, on the other, the humor in the portrayal of the Justice League felt cynical in a post-Watchmen style that I've never been fond of. We'll see how I feel when I've got the whole story more

Superman: Space Age #2

By: Mark Russell, Mike Allred
Released: Sep 28, 2022

Superman has arrived and he's out of sight! Right? The world may love him, but the citizens of Metropolis are growing skeptical as the cities around them suffer without the help of the Man of Steel. The world doesn't need saving as much as it needs changing, and Superman and his super friends in the Justice League seem unqualified to save the day t...

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Nikita14 dropped Poison Ivy (2022) from their pull list Sep 30, 2022

Poison Ivy (2022)

Pamela Isley has been a lot of things in her life. A living god, a super-villain, an activist, a scientist, and dead. In a new body that she didn't ask for and with a renewed sense of purpose, Ivy leaves Gotham and sets out to complete her greatest work-a gift to the world that will heal the damage dealt to ending humanity.
Spinning ou...

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Nikita14 dropped Black Adam (2022) from their pull list Sep 30, 2022

Black Adam (2022)

There is no forgiveness for Black Adam.
This is the reality Teth-Adam, immortal man of indomitable will, must face when he discovers he has been infected with an incurable plague destroying his immortality. Haunted by the specter of centuries of dark deeds, Black Adam transfers his powers to a worthy successor who will redeem Adam's legacy and...

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Nikita14 dropped Detective Comics (2016) from their pull list Sep 30, 2022

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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Nikita14 rated I Am Batman #13 Sep 30, 2022

I Am Batman #13

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: Sep 14, 2022

Batman and the Question's investigation into Anarky's murder puts them directly in the crosshairs of a rogue police unit set up to deal with the "radical" activist, and which is willing to kill to keep their secrets. At the same time, as she watches a friend being lured back into a life of crime, sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option for ...

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motorik reviewed Superman: Space Age #1 Jul 26, 2022

Russell, as thought provoking as ever. This feels like Superman.

Superman: Space Age #1

By: Mark Russell, Mike Allred
Released: Jul 27, 2022

Meet Clark Kent, a young reporter who just learned that the world will soon come to an end (Crisis on Infinite Earths) and there is nothing he can do to save it. Sounds like a job for his alter ego...Superman! After years of standing idle, the young man from Krypton defies the wishes of his fathers to come out to the world as the first superhero of...

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RKS - Oct 10, 2022

The sad thing of it is that the character has been given to writers who have extreme social views and they don't care if they alienate the majority of the fan base as long as they get to tell their story and promote their own social values. If that is your cup of tea, then it's a matter of your own poor taste.

motorik - Oct 10, 2022

Ahhh, right. I understand you now. This makes sense. Take care buddy.

Nikita14 rated Superman: Space Age #2 Sep 29, 2022

Superman: Space Age #2

By: Mark Russell, Mike Allred
Released: Sep 28, 2022

Superman has arrived and he's out of sight! Right? The world may love him, but the citizens of Metropolis are growing skeptical as the cities around them suffer without the help of the Man of Steel. The world doesn't need saving as much as it needs changing, and Superman and his super friends in the Justice League seem unqualified to save the day t...

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Nikita14 reviewed Swamp Thing #16 Aug 26, 2022

Nailed it!

Swamp Thing #16

By: Ram V, Mike Perkins
Released: Aug 24, 2022

Now restored to full power, the Swamp Thing must face the Parliament of Gears if he has any hope of saving the Earth. But the corruptive, cancerous force of industry has already destroyed so much-will Swamp Thing be able to turn the destructive tide before it's too late? Find out in the earthshaking finale of The Swamp Thing.

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Nikita14 rated I Am Batman #11 Aug 25, 2022

I Am Batman #11

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: Jul 13, 2022

Following the stunning conclusion of the previous issue, Jace Fox and his task force are upended! Taking Manray into custody could be a deadly prospect for Chubb and Whitaker...and what secrets does this mass murderer hold?

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Nikita14 rated I Am Batman #12 Aug 25, 2022

I Am Batman #12

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: Aug 10, 2022

DC's most inscrutable hero arrives in New York City to task Jace Fox's Batman with helping them solve a mystery of the past. At the same time, Tiffany Fox continues on her path to see who could be New York-and DC's-hero of the future.

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Nikita14 dropped Strange (2022) from their pull list Aug 12, 2022

Strange (2022)

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Nikita14 dropped Eight Billion Genies from their pull list Aug 12, 2022

Eight Billion Genies

If you had one wish...what would you wish for? Now, what if everyone else had one wish too? That's EIGHT BILLION GENIES, the new eight-issue series from CHARLES SOULE & RYAN BROWNE (CURSE WORDS). At exactly the same moment, everyone on earth gets a genie and one wish. All hell breaks loose, in a very entertaining...

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Nikita14 added Poison Ivy (2022) to their pull list Aug 5, 2022

Poison Ivy (2022)

Pamela Isley has been a lot of things in her life. A living god, a super-villain, an activist, a scientist, and dead. In a new body that she didn't ask for and with a renewed sense of purpose, Ivy leaves Gotham and sets out to complete her greatest work-a gift to the world that will heal the damage dealt to ending humanity.
Spinning ou...

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Nikita14 rated Batman #125 Aug 3, 2022

Batman #125

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jul 6, 2022

Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky joins legendary artist Jorge Jimenez to define a new era in Batman! Bruce Wayne is at a turning point, haunted by dreams of a dark future, while Gotham City billionaires are being gruesomely murdered. With the discovery of an archenemy's involvement and a tragedy unfolding, the Dark Knight's nightmares are just beginni...

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