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Joined: Jul 31, 2022

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Great art fun fight scene but a big old " meh " from me on this event so far. It still has potential to be good. But
A crisis book should not be " good " it should be amazing and talked about for years to come. I doubt anyone will be talking about this event by this time next year.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jul 6, 2022

THE HOUSE OF NIGHTWING BURNS! As the good people of the world mourn the loss of the Justice League, the forces of evil have seized the opportunity to wreak havoc in a world without its heroes! Leading the charge is a super-powered Slade Wilson...but this time there's something dark fueling his rage. With a massive army laying siege to Titans Tower,...

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nothing happens

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jul 6, 2022

THE HOUSE OF NIGHTWING BURNS! As the good people of the world mourn the loss of the Justice League, the forces of evil have seized the opportunity to wreak havoc in a world without its heroes! Leading the charge is a super-powered Slade Wilson...but this time there's something dark fueling his rage. With a massive army laying siege to Titans Tower,...

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fzanca reviewed Action Comics #1045 Jul 30, 2022

I am so over this storyline. They have dragged and dragged this story out so far that there's literally nothing left. I understand that they did it to get to 1050, but as a reader I now dread having Action in my pull for the week. But I've gone this far as might as well see it to the end. Plus I'm tired of paying $5.00 for an additional ongoing story that I didn't ask for. Detective does the same more

Action Comics #1045

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Riccardo Federici
Released: Jul 27, 2022

The Warworld Revolution escalates as Superman gains the upper hand, forcing Mongul to take desperate measures. Meanwhile, a fallen ally of Superman is resurrected...at a terrible cost. A new connection to Jack Kirby's Fourth World is revealed as the Warworld Saga's mind-blowing conclusion nears! Then, in A World Without Clark Kent-Lois Lane and Joh...

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