arickabamboo's Profile

Joined: Oct 09, 2023

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Overall Rating

The first few issues of this were really tedious IMHO. This was a good read tho!!! Was a nice futuristic departure from the original origin of Man Thing. As a ManThing and Spidey fan, I liked it a lot.

Yep. It got better. Love the pace and characters are developing past the loose pointless dialogue-heavy first issue. Hopefully the goodness keeps up.

I realized how great this comic was when I started issue #2. I put this rating here so I could congratulate you on finding this title and encourage you to read on! :)

Why has this comic hidden in my collection so long ... some of the most fun I've had in comic reading since Cerebus the Aardvark threw a baby!

The art ROCKS, especially nice cover variants -- but the story is uneventful, goes nowhere...too bad.

Wasn't spectacular, as a matter of fact, super-mediocre ... HOWEVER there is something about it that makes me want to read #2, I feel a twist coming on.

Loved it. Great development right away with the characters in a fun way. Can't wait for issue #2!

The art has a great vibe, Thatcher especially feels like a Don Bluth character. Story is missing the villain its straining to be something more -- hopefully it works that out or abandons it soon. I'll give issue #2 a shot

I thought this was a bit better than #1 and has me hooked for at least another few issues. Again, the art helps everything flow even tho they try to rely on some unexplainable mythos going on. The plot may take a better stride as we see some (hopefully) cool antagonists show up behind the mayor in the final panel.

Solid continuation. All thumbs up from me Patrick Horvath, Keep it up!

Weak. Unlike the 2022 Visions, there is nothing remarkable here.

FUN! I don't read a lot of DC but this was a nice romp with good art and dialogue. I will be looking for all 4 this season!

Solid. Not for kids! I will be staying on board for the next issue for sure!

Here we go, momentum from last issue got more intense. I am finding this issue every bit as enjoyable as the first series. Great one liners from the blind army vet! Maybe took too long to get to this stage but issue #6 will be read the second it lands in my hands next month. Looking forward to it.

I thought there was something here. Tried first three issues, but this just fizzled...a confusing bore.

I picked this up for the premise and was super-hopeful. A line or two would keep me hooked through so far but I am dropping it. Just not enough here to hold my interest and $4/month. A bore.

The 10 grade is for the series, at least through "Rick's Story". I have never, ever, in all my years of reading comics, enjoyed a more engaging, funny, exciting, beautifully drawn epic. The final 50 issues fall flat IMHO but not too much to take away from the first 120 or so leading into "Jaka's Story".

I am an Astromech and comic fan so I figured they couldn't go wrong here...and I was right. Loved the dialogue and implied dialogue the whole way through. Art doesn't blow me away but does not distract at all. Looking forward to seeing where this story goes!

Just finished this issue. And this new chapter looks VERY interesting. AM a big fan of the pace, not lagging along like so many current titles. Mos def picking up the next one!

Plenty here to love! Go read it! =D

HOT DOG! Looks like another winner on its way!!! Can't wait to see where the story goes!

Finally getting to some good payoff scenes and dialogue. Loved the earlier series so waiting to really love this series. And it happened with this issue. Probably with Roddy seeing his girl in the trance. Culbard art is awesome as always.

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