Kondorr's Profile

Joined: Mar 18, 2015

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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows

Mar 19, 2015

When I heard the premise of this story I instantly thought that this is a great idea and the book did not disappoint. This is one of the best Vader stories I have read to day. The story shows us the growing legend of Vader through the eyes of a clone, disenchanted with the Jedi. In order to please his lord, he excels at his duties in the ranks of Storm troopers, but once he arrives at Vaders side, the legend will have to be confronted with the harsh reality. This is equally a book about a clone as it is about the image and the legend of the dark lord. The script and the art are perfect. This comes highly recommended and might work both in the OEU (Original Expanded Universe and the DEU (Disney's Expanded Universe). An absolute recommendation!

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