LeonardoMyst's Profile

Joined: Jun 25, 2015

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Overall Rating
Batgirl (2011) #41

Jun 25, 2015

The GordonBat and Barbara meeting was inevitable and I'm glad they're getting it out of the way as soon as possible. Livewire is an interesting choice, and it does look like Batman and Batgirl will need each other's help to take her down. Loved the interactions between Jim and Barbara and Barbara and Frankie. Fletcher's characterizations are consistently the strongest point of his titles. I missed the old colorist, but the new one did a really good job of giving the book a more animated feel.

Black Canary (2015) #1

Jun 25, 2015

Very good start. Love the bold art style they're giving to the book. It's a different direction for Dinah, but for the first time in her existence she has a direction that doesn't revolve around someone else. Looking forward to see where it takes her.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1  
Doctor Strange (2015) #1

Oct 8, 2015

By far the best outing for Dr. Strange in almost twenty years. Aaron's writing in this is on par with Thor and Bachalo hasn't been this expressive since his Vertigo days and Generation-X. Looking forward to a lot of world (dimensions) building and old acquaintances reappearing. Recommended for: fans of the Milligan/Bachalo Shade the Changing Man, Lemire's Animal-Man, Hellblazer, The Books of Magic, Promethea and the Dr. Strange who all but disappeared in 1996.

Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Sep 15, 2016

A comic that kicks comics in the teeth and says, "Who's your Jim Lee Harley Quinn Dark Knight, now, baby?"

Gotham Academy (2014) #7

Jun 25, 2015

Another strong issue. This is probably the only instance where I actually liked Damien. His giving Maps a batarang really shows how he bucks tradition and made a big impression. The art was very fitting for the Maps-centric issue. Even though I prefer Kerschl, I still enjoyed it.

Micronauts #1

Jul 30, 2016

Micronauts #2

Jul 30, 2016

Micronauts #3

Jul 30, 2016

Omega Men #1

Jun 25, 2015

Probably the best reintroduction of the team, yet. So glad DC is beginning to embrace sci-fi again. It has the potential to be DC's Saga, Guardians or Star Wars, I think. Especially if the story and art continue this strong.

Omega Men #2

Jul 2, 2015

Tom King is moving right along with a compelling story that's matched with some of the best art in comics today.

Omega Men #3

Aug 14, 2015

Best issue of the series so far. Wonderfully crafted.

Rom (2016) #0  
Titans (2016) #1  
Titans Hunt #1

Oct 21, 2015

Abnett is a master at characterization and story structure, and with Titans Hunt he doesn't disappoint. There's a few easter eggs for those who look for them, with something near and dear to long-time fans being teased pretty heavily. This is the Titans book we should have gotten in 2011. Here's hoping it will lead to a new series and replace the currently running title.

Titans Hunt #2

Nov 18, 2015

Titans: Rebirth #1  

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