Mechanical Mudd's Profile

Joined: Dec 08, 2015

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Overall Rating
Aquaman (2016) #27

Aug 20, 2017

This is the best story arc I've read of Aquaman since Geoff Johns left the title. Currently the best story being told in rebirth in my opinion.

Batman (2016) #29

Aug 20, 2017

Another boring issue to the series with really nothing at stake. Too much talking about an outcome that doesn't matter because we know Batman won't die The Riddler won't die Joker won't die none of this matters. And I hate how many Mikel Janin draws Riddler when Joker was fantasizing about killing him he had the largest breasts I've seen in a Batman comic.

Batman (2016) #30

Sep 10, 2017

How do people keep giving this a 10 out of 10? Do people forget that the plans that Batman is doing in this issue is nowhere close to the plan that Bruce Wayne gives us in the last issue? This book has become one of the worst stories in rebirth and I hope Tom King get this s*** together or get off of this book for good.

Mister Miracle (2017) #1

Aug 10, 2017

This was an awful story. The art was some of the worst that I've seen in weeks. My exposure to Mister Miracle before now was his time with the JLI and that is not what I got here. I assume this book would be enjoyable closer to Tom Kings fantastic Grayson run but it looks like it's closer to his mediocre Batman work. I would not recommend this story to anyone.

Suicide Squad (2016) #23

Aug 10, 2017

I'm tired of a boring, forulaic, Suicide Squad. Where is the death of Z-List villains? Why am I suppose to care about Frost? When will this book get good? The New 52 Suicide Squad was in no way revolutionary, but it did give me exactly what I wanted when it came to nonsensical violence and dark comedic enjoyment.

Titans (2016) #14

Aug 10, 2017

The love triangle is a waste if page space, Garth comes off like a real asshole, and if Lilith was removed from this book altogether no one would complain. After the boring Lazerus Contract arc I just want to get to some interesting story. Fantastic art though.

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