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Joined: Jun 26, 2016

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Action Comics (2016) #958

Jun 26, 2016

The formula for this comic is so simple and it works perfectly, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Dan Jurgens. A combination of action scenes to live up to it's title mixed in with just enough personal moments to bring this part of the DC Universe back to life. If they can keep this up I'm on-board!

Action Man #1

Jun 26, 2016

I went into this being a fan of Action Man as a kid and my expectations weren't high. I don't think anyone will look back in 20 years time saying this was a definitive Action Man but it has enough to be enjoyable. I could see myself continuing to buy this more in a limited series format than a regular series but either way for the moment I will try out issue 2 next month.

Aquaman (2016) #1

Jun 26, 2016

I'm not going to pretend I've ever really been a true Aquaman fan and at some points I've absolutely hated the character. Like quite a few other people, Rebirth is the reason I gave it another try and so far I'm enjoying it. While never being a big Brad Walker fan before I think this would be his best work so far and seems to fit in well with Abnett's writing. The storyline doesn't seem too bogged down with past continuity and it is a very good start to this series.

Archie (2015) #9

Jun 26, 2016

I was hesitant when I started reading this new take on Archie but I've happily been proven wrong as it perfectly walks that fine line between revamping the Archie universe and still remaining very respectful to the core of these characters. Mark Waid has always been very good at giving any characters he's worked on their own personality and so far they have been very lucky with artists that fit this version of Archie very well. Veronica Fish the current artist was made for titles like this given she brings great personal moments to life.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1  
Deadpool v Gambit #1

Jun 26, 2016

Not a fan of Deadpool enough to buy it regularly but as a Gambit fan I had to pick this up. It wasn't great but it also wasn't terrible either and I actually enjoyed the art more than I thought I would.

Detective Comics (2016) #935

Jun 26, 2016

I have been complaining to anyone that would listen how much I hated Detective Comics during New52 but this stuff has blown me away how good it feels. I know I'm still reading the same universe but this is good enough to make you forget there ever was a New52 in the first place. The characters are all drawn beautifully and the color balance between dark & light creates the perfect feel for Gotham. I didn't think I'd enjoy Clayface but his character is handled very well and doesn't feel out of place with his non powered team mates. This has set a new standard and I hope they keep it up.

Doctor Strange (2015) #9

Jun 26, 2016

Not a huge fan of Magic titles but this I do really enjoy! Aaron seems to have a great understanding of Strange and nobody draws weird better than Bachalo. What I really love is the creation of the Empirikul, they seem like a great addition to the Marvel Universe and while some Marvel heroes have a huge list of adversaries I think Doctor Strange is in need of a few more. The current storyline could almost have been a big Marvel event but I'm glad they decided to keep it fairly small & tight.

Flash (2016) #1

Jun 26, 2016

It feels like they have slowed the Flash down a little which you would think was a bad thing but it turns out to be what this title needed. After feeling very full throttle for the past few years this creates the perfect mix between Barry's personal life and building up an exciting storyline. Being a long time Wally West Flash fan I've had trouble for years accepting Barry back but this run while being still early on has the potential to change all that. Great Start!!

Injustice: Year Five #27

Jun 26, 2016

I haven't missed an issue of this since it started. Too me it's felt like one long DC What If or Elseworlds where anything can happen. I wouldn't want to see any of this stuff happen in the main DCU but being able to read it here, self contained with infinite possibilities feels just right. Here's hoping they do an Injustice II comic when the new game comes out.

James Bond #7

Jun 26, 2016

Warren Ellis writes a great James Bond and really sets the standard high. I feel sorry for whoever has to write this next.

Justice League (2011) #52

Jun 26, 2016

I don't think this issue was really integral to Superman Rebirth but it was well written & and some of Tom Grummett's best art in years. If DC gave Grummett a Superman title (Steel, Superboy,or any other Superman) to draw with the team that inked and colored this issue I think I'd be back in 90's Superman heaven.

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 26, 2016

Liam Sharp drawing anything automatically gives this title a good rating but the fact that Greg Rucka seems to understand Wonder Woman's corner of the DCU makes this creative pairing pretty much perfect.

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