tchalla8's Profile

Joined: Dec 05, 2013

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Shadowman (2012) #13

Dec 5, 2013

After some meandering over the last few issues, the Shadowman we’ve been looking for has finally returned. The combination of Milligan and De la Torre is spot on. Milligan has found a way to uncover new layers not just to Shadowman but Jack Boniface himself. Everything we knew about him now has to be reevaluated. As an artist, De la Torre’s atmosphere almost makes the pages drip and sweat with a swampy potency. And above all, they’ve found a way to create renewed interest in all the characters and their future. Jack now has a goal, even if he doesn’t know how to accomplish it. And his internal struggle has been amplified to an even greater degree now that we have a window into his past. Shadowman, by its very nature, is supposed to be dark. It doesn’t get any darker, or better, than this.

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