dmdspotlight123's Profile

Joined: Feb 25, 2017

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Black Panther & the Crew #1

May 31, 2017

I went to the comicbook store and I was very excited to this book. Very excited to see a black team working together. When I got to the store I didn't even buy it. Now to be fair it is a really good MISTY KNIGHT BOOK. It really is a good book for misty knight fans. BUT ITS SUCKS FOR A TEAM BOOK. WHEN YOU HAVE A TITLE CHARTER THAT IS NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST ISSUE THERE IS A BIG PROBLEM. Black panther is your selling point, this team working together is your selling point, when you have a lesser know character (a good character) being focused on and not the main title character there is a big problem. Final thoughts: If you are a misty knight fan buy the book. If you are a black panther fan (ironically) I can't recommend this book too you

Black Panther (2016) #11

Feb 25, 2017

This is the battle that this whole book was leading up to. The Wakandan Army vs. Tetu's forces. And it was...Disappointing. First what I did enjoy in the book was the dialogue and some of the panels illustrated by Sprouse was impressive, but the lack of scale in this battle is very underwhelming. This is supposed to be a WAR. A War supposed to have bodies on top of bodies, soldiers losing body parts, all out action, and lives are actually at stake here. I didn’t feel any of that. (It doesn’t have to be graphic or gruesome). We barely get that. Some of the actions scenes are good but I was expecting something along the lines of "Black Panther: Secret Invasion". In Black Panther #11 it’s not a war it’s a little battle. Remember the tanks and Wakandan airships in Black Panther #10? You see none of them in issue #11. For an all out war, I was expecting a couple of splash page, seeing the T'challa's armor on display doing amazing "force pushes", seeing Tetu turn into a giant humanoid plant attacking the golden city. I did like the ending when Black Panther and Shuri went to Necropolis but when did T’challa fix his relationship with his father. I thought T'chaka was still mad at T'challa. I just hope next issue can fix this.

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