jorgeicotte's Profile

Joined: Mar 21, 2013

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Overall Rating
Nowhere Men #4

Mar 21, 2013

Story by Eric Stehenson Art by Nate Bellegarde & Jordie Bellaire Nowhere Men is a comic book with a lot of potential. Unfortunately, that peak is rarely reached in an issue that "tells" more than it "shows." The supplementary world-building of this story is incredible, and the story of strategic political warfare between the former partners is rich and intricate. The other half of the comic, however, falls flat in the other half of the story. Exploring the relationship between Simon Grimshaw and the rest of scientific supergroup (mainly Emerson Strange) is the most captivating part of this comic. It is becoming more clear that Grimshaw's strategic competitiveness is personal, and Strange seems ill-prepared. As we learn more about their history, and the details of the World Corp lost crew, a more sinister brew dominates the tone of the issue. Fletcher's emergence as a wildcard further complicates the situation and hints at plot that won't be unveiled cleanly. Unfortunately, the is

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