MStone's Profile

Joined: May 15, 2017

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Overall Rating
Pestilence #1

May 15, 2017

Good old fashioned gritty grimy dirty sexy fun. I loved it. I mean, it's not the greatest comic in the world. But I don't always feel like being emotionally moved on the deepest of levels. Sometimes I want far-fetched re-interpretations of famous historical events. Especially when zombies are involved. And Decapitations, blood, gore, boobs, and humor. I fully enjoyed the shit out of this comic and I intend to continue doing so. So fucking there.

Regression #1

May 15, 2017

I had been looking forward to Regression for several months, the premise caught my attention and of course Cullen Bunn doing something horror/thriller/supernatural is typically gonna be worth the read. Regression flows so smoothly, Bunn builds each scene so well, that each segue seamlessly slides into the next scene very naturally. A bit too naturally perhaps, in that some of the story structures are a little predictable, but done masterfully even so. And Luckert's art is something I'm not usually a fan of, but found myself loving in Regression. The thick outlines he uses I typically find to be too surreal, or fake really. But the level of grainy detail Luckert includes, and the very wide range of detailed facial expressions he captures was perfect for depicting Bunn's writing. I'd say this is going to be a very fun ride. There may be some predictability when it comes to themes and structures, but they are skillfully wielded, and the originality far outweighs these. I really liked reading Bunn's explanation of where he got the idea for the story. It's that kind of personally driven creativity that creates great stories. All in all, Regression is a definite pull for me.

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