Mr.RandComics's Profile

Joined: Nov 15, 2017

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Overall Rating
Moon Knight (2017) #188

Nov 15, 2017

Coming from an old fan of Moon Knight who's returning, I genuinely can't think of what I would change with this book. It has had me re reading it over and over again.

Realm #1

Nov 15, 2017

A fantastic start to an incredibly promising series.

Realm #2

Nov 15, 2017

I absolutely loved this book! I would be tempted to give it a perfect score if not for the sometimes confusing art direction. This book developed the characters that we'd been introduced to in the first issue and continued to open up questions about the world that we've found ourselves in. Rook is an amazing character, and I can't wait to see where Peck and Haun continue to take this series.

Realm #3

Nov 15, 2017

I absolutely loved the first two issues of The Realm and waited with so much anticipation for this issue to be released. I don't know if it was because my expectations were so high, but, this is the first issue of The Realm that's disappointed me. Without revealing any spoilers; this issue introduced the first dis-likable character in the series, reduced the menace of the main antagonist, and had cheesy dialogue whilst trying to cram too many unnecessary panels in. All this being said I still enjoyed reading this book. There were some great moments with Rook, fantastic art as always, and the introduction of a couple of exciting new antagonists. But this issue really doesn't live up to the high standards that the first two had set up, I still eagerly await #4 in the hopes that it will reclaim the glory of #2!

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