Ken b's Profile

Joined: Jun 23, 2018

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Overall Rating

Wasted 9 months of my life reading this garbage and I spent 35.91 paying for this GARBAGE! What was the point of this series! If they wanted to kill off some sidekicks should have done it with a better writer!

I hate what they're doing to Nightwing. I don't care about these vigilante cops I want to see DICK GRAYSON not "RIC". The story was alright, the art was decent. I am a huge Nightwing fan and to see all these other people have his suits is driving me crazy. Change isn't always good (shouts at DC)

How can a book go from so good to this bad! The first issue was great, good build up, climax and ending. The cliffhanger was great and I was so excited to buy this issue. This issue was bland, the fight scene with the other guy was dull. The ending was the most boring thing I’ve ever read in my life. How can you expect me to be excited for an issue 3 with the worse cliffhanger I’ve ever read in a comic. I don’t mind character development but I don’t care to read these mundane conversations throughout the whole book. This was the biggest waste of money. Issue two completely missed and I will never be buying this series again.

I'm going to sum this book up so you won't have to waste 3.99 on buying this trash. Batman gets beat up by Bane and Tom "can't write a good plot" King gives you a recap saying that everything that has happened in the last 72 issues has been BANE! wow, what a twist.

Waaaaaay too short. Feels like I wasted 3.99 on a boring filler.

Abnett drove the Titans in the ground and he's doing the same with Odyssey ... :(

Book was terrible, not sure how long I can keep reading this garbage.

Waiting for issue 105 so I don’t have to read anymore of Tom Kings bullshit. Too many plotless and pointless issues. This was one of them.

This issue was nothing but filler and I got bored halfway reading it. I’m not getting the same energy as I got with the first one. If it doesn’t pick up with #4 I am dropping this book.

Pretty boring issue but was a good buildup for the next. The artwork was absolutely terrible and it ruined the comic for me. How does this artwork get published when there are hundreds of hungry artists that can actually draw a decent comic.

Book has been going downhill since issue 1. Feel out of love with this book with issue 9 and this issue didn't help anything. Will continue to read this series until the end.

Avengers (2018) #3 Jun 23, 2018

Artwork 10/10 story 5/10 Don’t know why King keeps pushing this relationship between Catwoman and joker. A lot of other issues with the story, pretty boring read. Would have gave this a much lower grade but Clay Mann has really put this mini series on his back.

Flash (2016) #56 Oct 10, 2018
Action Comics (2016) #1002 Aug 22, 2018
Action Comics (2016) #1011 May 23, 2019

Had good promise but Tom king really missed the mark.

Foil cover felt nice, art was great. Story wasn’t.

For nostalgic purposes this book reminds me of the old school cartoon recess but I don’t think this book missed on a lot of levels

Starting reading this book solely because of this arc and this arc had its highs and lows overall the arc was a 8.4 but This book was definitely a low spot to the arc and I just feel like this last enstallment just added more confusion.

Pretty wordy but I loved the art!

Love Paper Girls but I think this was the worst issue of the series.

This book needs a new artist. Great art really can make a decent story shine. That being said this book had a decent story with below average art.

Titans (2016) #24 Aug 10, 2018

I've loved this series not only because the covers are amazing but because the stpry has been good. But the last couple of issues have been bland. The ending was stupid but I still like the series.

Batman (2016) #106 Mar 2, 2021

Good read

Detective Comics (2016) #985 Jul 26, 2018
Detective Comics (2016) #986 Aug 8, 2018

I was disappointed at how they just let Robin go without a fight, although her "loyal" henchman put up a fight it still was stupid in my opinion to let Robin get captured. Also, did she really think she could convince him to switch sides ??

Detective Comics (2016) #1004 May 23, 2019
Domino (2018) #4 Jul 11, 2018

A lot of jumping around from age to age but still a good read.

Great art but I feel mislead concerning the story. We were told originally that one person died and Harley and booster were the main suspects. Now it’s about 20 people that died and it seems really unlikely it was one of them. Love the book tho hope it picks up more. Didn’t care for the full pages they wasted on the sanctuary interviews.

Infidel #4 Jun 23, 2018

Rushed storyline this arc should have been a prelude.

Oblivion Song #16 Jun 16, 2019
Relay #1 Jul 11, 2018

Good short story. I lived that they including gizmo. I think this short story might be a peek into what we can expect from this new squad and future problems they might have. I made two major observations in this comic. The first one is robins new attitude, in this story he didn’t come off ass a controlling ass that had to have everything his way he seemed a lot more passive in this issue. The second observation is that what will robin do with the ring that Jinn gave him. He has complete control over one of the most powerful members of his team so we will see if he gives the ring back. If would make It interesting if he decided not to.

The Silencer #6 Jun 27, 2018
The Silencer #7 Jul 25, 2018
X-23 (2018) #3 Aug 31, 2018

Story was decent but what made this book stand out was the captivating artwork.

I thought the story was perfect and well written and this book would have gotten a perfect 10 but the artwork for this book disappoints on every level.

Why was Snyder taken off Batman and replaced with Tom Trash? This book was amazing.

Good build up for the next issue.

Deathstroke (2016) #44 Jun 10, 2019
Detective Comics (2016) #987 Aug 22, 2018

Honestly I’m loving what DC is doing with Wonder Comics. If I had one word to describe Wonder comics it would be “Refreshing”. This book was a good read!

Dial H For Hero (2019) #3 May 23, 2019

Almost as good as the first one, the ending was disturbing but I enjoyed it will continue to read it.

Flash (2016) #53 Aug 22, 2018
Flash (2016) #54 Sep 13, 2018

I'm not an avid flash reader but I had to read this issue. When an artist puts his own spin an origin story it is always a fun read, which this was. The ending didn't make sense to me but overall it was solid.

Good issue

This is a really interesting comic, still making sense of the whole thing. Will keep buying it.

Spawn #287 Jul 4, 2018

A good improvement from man of steel

Good read I am enjoying the fresh new approach. Needed more backstory for some of the new characters but other than that it was solid.

This series has been picking up steam for the last couple of issues love it !!

Tom King hasn't always hit the mark in this Batman run of his but I especially enjoyed this issue. Heartbreak can do a lot to a person and the batman is only human and Tom King is exploiting that aspect of the batman. Honestly, I rated this issue a 9 but I'm am still trying to figure out has Batman gone insane ???

I'm glad they gave these characters their own book. Would love to see where this story goes but this first book gave me a lot of hope for this series.

One word ... gritty.... loved it . Adding this to my pull list

Fun little story

Detective Comics (2016) #984 Jul 11, 2018

Loved the Arkham Knight saga. The first reason was the storytelling and the art was phenomenal, the second is that I love how Tomasi got Batman and Robin to work like a well-oiled machine. But, I agree with most of the other reviews saying that Arkham Knight is a terrible villain. I get that she's mad because she thinks Batman killed her mom but her dad should have told her the truth like a normal human instead of letting her believe that nonsense. She has to be the dumbest villain in the DC universe.

I picked up this book on a hunch and I'm so glad I did because it is being added to my pull list. I would've given this book a 10 but the book ended with a confusing cliff hanger. Besides that the book is perfect.

From front to back I loved everything about this!

Faithless #3 Jun 20, 2019

Good read, did anyone notice the change in paper stock or was it just me ?

Flash (2016) #52 Aug 10, 2018

Loving it!

Gideon Falls #4 Jun 23, 2018
Infidel #5 Jul 18, 2018
Justice League (2018) #8 Sep 24, 2018

Great art, great story good build up

Nightwing (2016) #50 Oct 3, 2018

Really good story, this book left a lot to look forward to in the next issue.

Paper Girls #22 Jul 4, 2018
Rick and Morty (2015) #39 Jun 27, 2018

This comic honestly makes me laugh as much as the tv show does. The main story was fantastic but the little 4 page short story went right over my head and honestly the book would have been better without it but the book is still solid

Can Donny Cates do any wrong? Such a good read and the ending was so stellar.

First Lobo issue in awhile and I love it . This series has been great since the new team was introduced!

Loved the comic great artwork great story. Love the new direction this is going in. I wish they would have followed suit with the TITANS special and actually showed how the group formed but nevertheless it was a great read.

One of the more solid books of this series. Enjoyed it can’t wait for the next one.

Venom (2018) #4 Jul 25, 2018

This comic is well deserving of the 6 issue increase and honestly, I hope it never stops!

All I have to say is the people of Gemworld are some real Snobs.

A Walk Through Hell #10 May 29, 2019
Batman (2016) #49 Jun 23, 2018

After reading this maybe they should have waited to give him the boot...

I love Kelley Jones artwork so I was happy to see this book in the august solicitations. This book did not disappoint so I will be looking forward to #2.

A lot of twists I didn’t see coming love it.

Ever since Snyder started writing justice league I have loved it! The year of the villain feels like it's gonna be a better summer event than no justice so I'm excited.

Really excited to see where this goes.

Little Bird #4 Jun 20, 2019

Reading this felt like I was watching the show! All around great comic.

I don't even read many Marvel comics but this seemed interesting so I picked it up and read it. I love that he's taking a whole new approach to this, although I feel it's mislabeled since it's not even about "Spider-man". I loved this book can't wait for the next one.

Venom (2018) #3 Jun 27, 2018

This book keeps getting better issue by issue.

X-23 (2018) #2 Jul 26, 2018

This was a good filler book and I enjoyed reading it.

This ark is very interesting I’m excited to see we’re this story goes. loved the gritty artwork really hope to see this artist on more issues.

This was a very good read. Tom king is killing it with this arc !

Love this issue. Weeks and King pulled off the perfect epilogue to the wedding. To see Batman this way has really surprised me and I love what king is doing because we all can relate to this arc. Everyone has had there heart broken and has to find themselves all over again. So hats off to king he killed it.

I’m a sucker for good artwork .... so I had to give this book a 10

Coffin Bound #3 Oct 9, 2019

This book is perfect !!!!

Detective Comics (2016) #1006 Jun 29, 2019
Die #1 Jan 8, 2019
Doomsday Clock #6 Jul 25, 2018

One of the best issues of the series so far

This series has been hitting on all cylinders, well worth the wait.

I liked it

Flash (2016) #49 Jun 27, 2018

I'm not an avid flash reader, but Willamson has been killing it with the retelling of his origin and I love it!

These two are like Batman and Robin, this book reads smoothly. Art work is excellent, story flows nicely. This was my favorite read of the week. Although some of the stuff (no spoilers) had me asking myself questions, hopefully those questions will be addressed next issue. Art 10/10 Story 9/10

Gideon Falls #14 Jun 20, 2019

Wow..... just wow.

This was a fantastic issue with a perfect ending! One of the best books to come out of no justice.


This is a perfect comic.

I’m a huge nightwing fan so this might be a little biased but I love that they are incorporating silencer into this arc and i know races to the death are corny but I feel like it adds a lot more excitement by adding silencer.

Nightwing (2016) #78 Mar 16, 2021

Classic Rick and Morty!

I loved the writing in this issue, the art went perfectly with it. The team is on the verge of breaking up (which I hope doesn't happen because I love this Team) because everyone has their own opinions about the hidden jail. Which I knew was going to happen eventually but the ending is what caught me off guard. It was the perfect segway into a whole nother chapter. Hopefully, this chapter will fix any broken bonds the team has.

Teen Titans (2016) #32 Jul 19, 2019
The Plot #1 Sep 25, 2019

WOW! This book read so well, it honestly felt like I was watching a classic anime when I was reading this. This was the best read of the month. I was amazed at how interesting this book was from start to finish. At first I was hesitant to buy it with it being 7.99 but honestly, after reading this I would have paid more. It’s so hard to find books like these and I will be the first person in the shop to pick up #2 whenever it is released.

Venom (2018) #5 Aug 22, 2018

I love this series. Honestly, I feel like I'm in middle school all over again reading it. This is such a pure book. Very light and the artwork complements the writing very well. I've been waiting on this series since it was first announced and I can say unlike the "new age of hero's" DC has hit the mark with their wonder comic imprint because they have been putting out some superb books.

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