Luntman's Profile

Joined: Oct 26, 2018

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Overall Rating
Blackbird #1

Oct 27, 2018

Loving the clean illustrations and inking tones in what is a pretty gritty urban, magic story. The back story of the main character is swiftly dealt with adding an instant depth and perspective of empathy which provides the hook.

Lodger #1

Oct 27, 2018

Cover art plus advise from my local comic book shop (The Darl Knight) result in most of my comic purchases including this one. I like intrigue in my stories as much as the next person but this quickly turned into confusion which for a #1 in a series is quite off putting. The storyline and narrative are unclear at times and I found myself frowning as I tried to decode the message. Some of the artwork is pretty cool and detailed and I quite like a black and white comic when it suits the mood which due to the evidently dark and twisted plot it does here, I’ll probably give #2 a punt but if it does nothing to clear up the fog in the narrative then only the most persistent or super intelligent are likely to persevere. Bit disappointed.

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